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Stats for Jul 26

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59 Year Old · Female · From Fort Lauderdale, FL · Joined on July 10, 2012 · Born on August 5th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 14 different people have a crush on me!
59 Year Old · Female · From Fort Lauderdale, FL · Joined on July 10, 2012 · Born on August 5th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 14 different people have a crush on me!

Very laid back and love life I hope you do too! I strive for simplicity & maintaining a good soul. Nothing is complicated unless you make it! The world is dizzy with possibilities so lay back and let life happen..it has it's own design & landscape......(note.. my chat is limited to this site only..PLEASE DO NOT ASK for phone # or Yahoo and NOT interested in NSFW pictures)(if you have sent private NSFW pics to someone and they have shared without your consent hopefully you don't make the mistake again!)
I will always try to help anyone if I can. I am here for the game...yes...but I adore my family and friends and feel very blessed to have them. Fubux are not the same as real money(the dealership laughed at me when I tried to purchase the Ferrari in the window with fumoney)however if you need help with a credit or two and I have a few xtra,,not a problem:). Friendships are more important than point whoring~bling or selling myself out..I give when I can and deeply appreciate all the gifts and kindness that is shown to me. I have only blocked people if they have been offensive to me or my friends or they are simply just creepy!. I am always amused by people who put others down and display their insecurities,,,you will never hear a negative word from me,,just not my nature,,I will just laugh n move on,,most people are capable of destroying themselves on their own. So if you care to have me as a friend, feel free to request. I have never denied a request! Peace~

****Update as of March 1st,2015*** Unfortunately I have been diagnosed with the big "C" wordFrown.gif...My time on Fu will be limited until I can get this "bitch" under control. All prayers you can send my way are greatly appreciated. Will keep updated when possible. Much love to family and friends and hope to be back on as usual soon!~~~Peace n Love~~~

***Back to my life as usual!,,All is well in the health department! Am in total remission and undergoing a treatment with an experimental drug which seems to be doing the trick! (if you would like info on it,,please ask!)..Amen!!!



(Sept 27,2016)
**PET PEEVES** People on here with a sense of entitlement! Will never understand how people with Ponies Cubes or any 1,000 plus bling (LE's etc.) have the nerve to ask others for a VIP renewal or anything else without at least offering SOMETHING(ie ability points) in return,,Pathetic!,, Fu is a hobby,,not a job or a lifestyle,, if you find it becoming a barometer for your happiness you might want to step back and rethink it unless of course you have nothing in the real world that makes you smile. People,,actually more men come on and cry and try to make people feel sorry for them in order to advance or get attention,,there are far more righteous ways to do it,,like say hey,,can you help me please without faking the need for kleenex. Thank you for taking the time to read:)*Stay humble,,stay kind*,,Love my family they are superb!

59 Year Old · Female · From Fort Lauderdale, FL · Joined on July 10, 2012 · Born on August 5th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 14 different people have a crush on me!
LOVE Life~Poker~Smiles~Family~Friends and Fun! *Am here for chat n friends only!
One of Jerrys Kids!.. also love Incubus..Seal..Van Morrison..Blues Traveler... 16_winksmile.gif
Fav movies...Silence of the Lambs..the Green Mile...Lean on me...Heathers
My wonderful father & mother,,of course!!!

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