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Mr 7,000,000....fu owned by Princess...owner of Zorack...adored by all

@ fubar Attention to all...I need 2 Million Fubucks, and I need them fast. I have an opportunity to perhaps get a Happy Hour, but I don't have all the Fubucks required to accomplish this. I'm owned by Princess, but there is plenty of me to go around, so I am offering myself. I know what you're saying, Mr 7000000 isn't worth a plug nickel, and you're probably right. But for a limited time, I am offering two months of my service, which is... Rating all pics and stash Pimpout blogs Random gifts and drinks Owned in name Salutes Added to family if you like Top Friend If close enough, will mow your lawn once Various 11's If interested, make an offer. I'm a pretty good slave, ask Princess for references Thanks, Mr 7000000 (repost of original by 'Mr 7,000,000....fu owned by Princess...owner of Zorack...adored by all' on '2008-06-20 06:12:12')
(repost of original by '~FAT SONNY~' on '2008-06-20 06:28:14')

A sad day in Lakerland

The Celtics completed their championship season, with a 39 point thrashing of the Lakers last night. As a Laker fan, it was an end to a very long season, filled with intrigue, back stabbing, and hope. I'm sad, but I still have hope. Unlike the Celtics, the beloved have a long future. They're relatively young, Phil can still coach, and they have Kobe. They kept up, and didn't have enough pieces this year to cap off the season, but they were missing a key piece, Andrew Bynum, and got a lil taste, and are hungry. But I'm not here to blow the Lakers horn, or boo hoo, or make excuses. I'm here to congratulate the Celtics. As much as I can't stand the Celtic organization, I'm glad for Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, and Ray Allen. All three have always been favorites of mine, and now they all have their rings. And they're likeable. You don't read about them in the police blotter. They don't talk like they were guest stars on OZ, and they come across as very unselfish, working towards a goal, not individual accolades. So congrats to them, and I hope that this is the only one they live, and the mighty Lakers win the next 4.

Father's Day Thank You

I wanted to thank everyone in my FuUniverse for such a great weekend. From Father Day's trophies to neck ties, the gifts came in, and a killer blog about me from Zorack, with help from her friend! And last, but certainly not least, you kiddies were rating away on my stuff, because I had a great points weekend. And also, Princess and Zoback, not to mention lil Freak, also took the time to help CantSleeptheClownswillEatMe finish off her contest and get her happy hour. So thanks to Princess, Zoback, Jasmine, Freak, PebblesinAZ, Angelic, Got Megan, Cant Sleep..., and all the rest of you for making my weekend great! I know there were more, and I made a bunch of new friends, and you all added up to a warm and fuzzy weekend. Jay
I recently had a friend find Jesus in his life. Before then, he was in a band, drank LOTS of beer, and was a regular type of guy. He found Jesus, because his wife smoked lots of pot, drank way too much, and cheated on him a few times. So she turned to Christ to change her life around, and dragged him along. She told him that if he wouldn't do this for her, then he must have thought that their marriage wasn't worth saving. So they find Jesus. After six months, she's there, but not as into it, and he's full bore Christian by then. He got rid of all his Albums from the 60's...yes, original, incredible, and now destroyed. He got rid of his Mustang he was rebuilding for the last 5 years, and now recently, he's getting rid of his non Christian friends. He did this in waves, the first bunch when he just turned. Most of these people were the ones his wife didn't like. The females who she was jealous of, the ones who liked to party, etc... But now recently, he's been on a kick, saying that if you weren't tight with Jesus, then he didn't know if he could keep you in his life. I am Agnostic at best. I'd like to think that there is a higher power out there, but there are days I wonder just that. So I guess I'm out. I was going to argue with him, knowing that Jesus would never do such a thing, but then figured "screw it, if he's this brainwashed, its not worth the trouble" I'll miss you buddy, and your killer albums too. My wife told me that perhaps if I made peace with God, then perhaps I'd be more willing to see is point, but I don't think that is the trouble. I am still accepting that God exists. And I think that you should give thanks in your own way. My problem is not that. My problem is the people that follow him blindly. You know them. If you don't, you are one of them, but you won't be reading this. It always kills me when you watch shows on prison, and they say they got in the joint, and found Jesus. Or you watch a show on Rehab, and they couldn't have done it without finding Jesus. Or they score the winning (touchdown, run, goal, field goal) and give thanks to Jesus. I ask you...would you want to hang out with a guy who was in prison, had substance abuse problems, and all he cared about was sports?

A weekend of training

I spent 8 hours Saturday, and 8 hours Sunday, being trained how to locate a utility that I already know how to locate. I admit, I did need a refresher on how to read the prints. But the rest of it, I've been there, and done that. But in the day and age of people getting laid off, and companies cutting back...16 hours over a weekend is a small price to pay lol. I knew both trainers, one was from our country, and he's a really good guy. When our old company was bought by the current one, he trained us on how to do things the current company way. He immediately remembered me, and I wa stunned by that, because he trains a few hundred people a year, and that was 5 years ago. The second trainer was from the company we recently merged with. When that company first came in the state, we all signed a non competitor contract, and if we did, we got a big bonus. This guy signed it, took the bonus, then went to a lawyer, found out it couldn't stick, and jumped to the competitor. In my eyes, he's worthless, and can't be trusted. And after this weekend, he isn't much of a trainer too. He, unfortunately, remembered me also. I am not sure why, but he was of the opinion that I was a troublemaker. So he spent the whole weekend riding me, telling me every little bit that I did wrong. Saturday was an in class day, and I brought everything I needed. We got no email tellin gus what to wear, and since it was in class, I wore flip flops and shorts. I had my compuyter. I had a notebook. I had a writing utensil. He was immediately pissed. I had backup clothes in my truck...jeans, stell toed boots...I could change if I needed to. "How could you wear that to class, do you work in that?" And I do wear shorts. I work outside. It's hot. We have a policy that we can wear shorts. But it's Saturday, we're in a classroom, why not get comfortable? And I didn't bring a safety vest. I rode over with my boss. It never said we needed a vest to sit in a classroom. So he was pissy about that. Then I heard him commenting behind me to people..."How could someone wear flip flops to class" Little kid stuff. I don't recall pissing him off in a past life, but who knows. I did spend the rest of the class and field time answering all of his questions first, just to let him know I was paying attention, and doing what I was supposed to be doing. And also let him know that our half of the company is two days ahead, and their's is a day and a half behind, working minimum ten more hours a week. After that, he called everyone else by their first name, and me by my last. Which is Roach, which I think he thought was demeaning, but it is my last name. I love the politics of work. Happy Monday everyone, six more days, and I get Sunday off!
It's official folks, I live in the sticks. As some of you know, I drive around and locate utilities. This offers me the opportunity to see many things in my general vicinity that many people never will. This morning, I pulled up to a house, and looked across the street, and lo and behold, the house is all decked out in John Deere colors. With all sorts of John Deere paraphenelia about. I thought perhaps it was a place where maybe repairs were done, but NO...a legit house. It was white, and whe foundation was painted John Deere green. If you are not familiar with that color, google John Deere. It is not horrible, but on the "I want to paint my house this color" scale, it is approximately a 3. The shutters are also this color. Other assorted trim is the yellow that is associated with John Deere. It is a smidge more pleasing than the green, but the whole thing is something else. I stared at this monolith for a few minutes, until the homeowner of the house I was locating came out, stood next to me, and said "Looks nice, he just did it a few weeks ago"

You know what?

Since I did a blog on random facts about me, and I'm in a mood, today's blogs are things that Mr 7000000 doesn't like. So you know just a tad more about me. I HATE cauliflower! It stinks, and tastes like cheesy ass to me. I don't like guys with very little hair, growing it so that it looks like they have alot...because it doesn't. I don't like things that I have to sit still for. I don't like things that take heavy concentration. I struggle greatly with the last two things. I hate people who say they can't find a job. You can't find a job that pays you for your overinflated opinion of yourself. I hate anything that Tyler Perry presents. I hate Avril Levigne, Oprah Winfrey, and Star Jones...not in that order. I think that anything with Jim Belushi in it should be considered a terrorist plot to bore us to death. I hate to lose. I hate taking the last piece of pizza, and rarely will. I hate confrontation, and I'm very passive/agressive. I hate rap songs where they talk so fast, I can't understand what they are saying. I hate the fools who vote on American Idol. The ones who win suck usually, and only hit it big in country. I hate how American's are considered scum in most countries, but they will accept money from us. I hate to press 1 for English. (But I do like setting friends TV to Spanish) I hate rhubarb pie I hate fireworks, always have, always will. I hate how most people don't read, so my clever references are lost on them, or I have to explain them. I hate Tuesdays. It's the busiest day of the week at work, and so its a stress day. I hate when our legal system fails us, and everyone raises a big stink, but doesn't say a word when it works. I hate PETA, I think that they are eco terrorists. I hate 99% of things the ACLU fights for. I hate hippies...well, most of them I hate Nine Inch Nails I hate when my boss takes advantage of me I hate even more that I let him I hate Hot Country...ugh I hate born again Christians, they're quitters! I hate the Boston Red Sox!!!!! I hate people who ask for your opinion, then are offended by it. I hate how I have trouble shutting down my brain sometimes. I hate how somebody may read this, and form a bad opinion of me, because of one little thing.
Today, Mr 7000000 was called a point whore...twice. (I'm using the third person, because I find that funny when people do it) I don't disagree, I AM a point whore. This I do not deny. I love points, and I love Fubucks, and the more, the merrier. But I didn't like the tone I was called it in. This has bugged me all morning, and so as with everything that bugs Mr 7000000, it eventually festers into a blog. Not to mention, there have been a few things lately I've noticed, and I'm ready to rant. First and foremost, before you call someone a point whore, maybe you should do a little digging, and see what they're doing with them. Just how are they spending their fubucks. I guarantee most the finger pointers, and hording their bucks, buying little gifts for their "friends", bidding on auctions, and other self serving tasks. Myself...well the people who know me know what I do with them. And once I build up again...I'll probably do the same thing. I work hard for my Fubucks, and do lots of rating, and look at shitloads of boring headshots just so I can hustle a few thousand fubucks. I do contests for them sometimes, and I accept donations. So I'm whoring myself out, so others can be happy, which makes me happy. So yes, I am a point whore. Next in line is all the people who hate on a certain large guy on here, who's heart is ten times bigger than any one of the fucktard's who bash him. So you don't like what he says sometimes...that's called life. Peaple say things I don't like all the time, but I don't bash them for it. Okay, some I do, but thats the price they pay for being stupid But every day almost, he starts my day out with a laugh, as well as most who will read this. So I'm preaching to the choir. And when is the last day that he didn't post something, trying to help someone else. My computer is slow, I can't keep up going and rating certain days. But I do it, because when I need help, and I don't ask for it, he sends it my way. And he and his wife, and his fu owner, and all his friends read my stupid bulletins pimping my stuff out, and they come rate me, and help me, so why wouldn't I do the same. There's another special lady on here, who showed me the way, and helped me out, and overpaid on things when she didn't have to, when I was strapped for fubucks, and I get people saying she's a point whore, or attention whore, and then I have to verbal bitchslap them also. There's a difference between saying look at me because I want you to look at me, and look at me, because I'm showing you by example how some things should be done. I'm not using names, because I have a pimp out section for that, and I pimp them out whenever I can, and repost their bulletins whenever I can, and basically do whatever I can. So before any of you retards bash others for being higher profile, or because they didn't automatically return your love because in your mind you are soooooooo important, perhaps you should look in the mirror and ask yourself why. And maybe you'll see that on here, the more that you give of yourself, the more rewards that you'll actually get. So read the bulletins, help some people level, show that you aren't just thinking of you, and good things will happen. I'm living proof of it.

Today's thoughts

A man has stepped forward in Texas, claiming to be the love child of JFK, and his beauty queen mother. I don’t find this huge news. I do find it incredible that this hasn’t happened more often. The poster boy for cocksmiths in power, and it was the era of free love, so I’m guessing not many condoms were used in the day. So how did JFK not have a slew of chowder eaters throughtout the US? I’m guessing, despite his Catholicism, there are women who were either paid off, or they did an extensive study in abortion back in the day. His brother, RFK, was no better. But he was shot before he could take a chance at being the horniest president ever. Speaking of Robert Kennedy, there is a theory that there was a second gunman involved in his assassination. I find this hard to believe. When he was shot, it was so jampacked with people, that if there was, someone would have been hit, or he would have been spotted. I love a good conspiracy, especially when they make sense, but this one is out there. That and the fact that its over 40 years later, and it just came up. Just so you know, Incubus won the Q101 March Music Madness, beating out Avenged Sevenfold. Once again, I can understand Avenged Sevenfold being in the finals. Q101 is geared towards the youth of Chicago, and as Moochie will tell you, they rock. But how the hell did Incubus win? Can ANYONE explain that to me? Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad Tool and NIN didn’t win again. But of the field, they were my 8th seed. Hell, Avenged was a 5th seed at best. Maybe its true, maybe I am getting old. Or, quite possibly, maybe they’re IDIOTS! Hillary has moved into the lead slightly, but has also hinted that she wouldn’t be opposed to being Obama’s vice president. I like the fact she’s covering all her bases. I’m opposed to this, because that may be enough to get them in office, and that’s a small victories for hippies everywhere. If Hillary was smart, she’d talk Bill into being her vice president. To be honest, I’m not sure if he can, but it would be a smart move on her part. I think she knows that if she did, she’s a target just waiting for a bullet. Vote McCain for a better America folks, trust uncle Jay. Dutchie Carey is mad at a company for using a voice impersonator of her husband Harry. She says that it makes him look like a buffoon. I take issue with this, for a few reasons. First and foremost, they had to go thru his estate, also known as Dutchie Carey, or her advisors, for the right to use his voice impersonation, or his image. Two, Harry was a drunken buffoon for the last half of his career, or as I like to call it...the Cub years. Harry was awesome as a broadcaster for the Sox, with Jimmy Piersall, but by the tim he hit the Cubs, he was phoning it in, and whoring for cash. And Cub fans lapped it up, because they’re dumb enough to put up with losing for 100 years, they were dumb enough to put up with his half ass commentary for the years he did it. Before you Cub fans take issue with this, let me say two words...Ron Santo. This "Future Hall of Famer" as Pat Hughes is paid to say, was horrible as an announcer, and you fools lapped it all up, and believe that he’ll make the HOF. Unless he buys a ticket, he’s not going in. He was a little above average in his era. His team was a loser, so it’s percieved that its easier to produce with no pressure. He already had 3 teammates in, and 4 is pushing it for a loser team. He was an ass, a showboat, and a drunk. The veterans committee remembers stuff like this. Madonna made it into the rock and roll HOF. Why? Unless they have a video wing, she’s another one who should only get in with a ticket. There are a few bands in there who shouldn’t be. And she is on the head of my list. But her sales were good, and she was smart enough to reinvent herself a few times, and found producers who could write her hits, so there she is. When I overthrow Cleveland, I shall take over the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and boot out who I don’t feel is deserving, and enshrine my classic bands. Here is who is in. The Beatles...how can you not? The Rolling Stones...their early stuff was great! Chuck Berry...The true king of rock and roll Les Paul...wouldn’t be rock without him Scotty Moore...great guitar for Elvis (who doesn’t get in, because he was a kaoroke singer) The Who...I think they were the beginning of punk The Kinks...overlooked in so many ways, great songs, were together a long time The Police...had tons of hits, albums solid thru and thru...and my favorite band growing up The New York Dolls...best punk band EVER out of New York The Sex Pistols...changed the face of music, despite one album Barry Gordy...he came up with Motown Stevie Wonder...a prodigy, and was great as a kid Rick James...he was a SuperFreak man, and HUGE until he smoked crack Van Halen...massive at one time, with the greatest frontman of all time Queen...Scott May needs to be in, and Freddie Mercury could challenge DLR of greatest frontman of all time. Beastie Boys...despite the fact that they will be the only rap act in my HOF, they started as a punk band, and played their own instruments Black Sabbath...the first really heavy band Slayer...huge following, leader of the genre...still...and released an EP titled Fuck You Black Flag...the voice of West Coast Punk, and Henry Rollins scares me...still Dead Kennedys...why did they question everything...because they could, and it made sense when they did, but it took some research Prince...I looked in his eyes once, and was gay for 10 seconds Ministry...he’s my reason to keep NIN out, and he did write "Jesus built my hotrod" Nirvana...first grunge band to hit it really big Pearl Jam...very consistant, and second best band of their era REM...not a huge fan, but can’t deny their catalog Alice In Chains...name one bad song they wrote...exactly Metallica...I know, I hate them...but they did have their moments, and were huge for awhile, till people saw what asshats they were. Pink Floyd...droning crap, but brought in the art band genre Grateful Dead...damaging to the soap industry, songs way too long, and have kept hippies around forever...but they deserve it, because excellent musicians Violent Femmes...Still rocking the college crowds after 25 years. Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Billy Sheehan., Flea..the premier players of their time Motley Crue...without them, 80’s metal would have never taken off...a curse and a blessing Tom Petty...I love his voice, great songs for years, started out as a strip club band Aerosmith...despite selling out at the end, great in concert, and good for a long time KORN...a leader in their genre, and never really copied right Green Day...I’m KIDDING, I wouldn’t let them in with a ticket There are more, but my mind is slipping with age. The following will never get into my HOF Green Day...Posers Smashmouth...catchy Dokken..okay, they were never considered, but I like bashing them Elvis...he’s famous for dancing, and forcing other people into signing over their songs to him, and being a pedophile, and dying on a toilet, and being a junkie...did he ever sing? Smashing Pumpkins...they had some good songs, but alot of crap too Radiohead...Creep was great, and Bodysnatchers is good, but really, name another song that everyone would know Strawberry Alarm Clock...I can’t even get Schwill to learn Incense and Peppermints Poison...lets face it, 80’s metal was catchy, but deep down...it really sucked Cheap Trick...Maybe, but just don’t do it for me, but they did write the theme to "That 70s Show" Rage Against the Machine...I like their stuff, but they’re mighty preachy, and support a cop killer. Red Hot Chili Peppers...Early stuff too weird, newer stuff commercial crap Bob Dylan...He may be reconsidered as a songwriter, but as a performer...nah Bruce Springsteen...see above, but not as good a songwriter...a bar band to me Jimmy Buffet...will be shot on site Meatloaf...I hope he’s standing next to Buffet Led Zepplin...stole half their songs, but on the cusp, because of what they did off the stage. Tool...as overrated as NIN NIN...as averrated as Tool

All I need is 100 rates

tn_3303536581.jpg I know not many of you read my senseless ramblings, but if you read this, could you please click on the above pic and rate it. If it says private, add PebblesinAZ, and then go rate it. I'm about 50 rates away, and need just a wee bit of help! Thanks, Jay
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My Work Adventures
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Season of the Man
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