51 Year Old
From Waco, TX·
Joined on June 20, 2009
Born on December 16th
BRAZOS VALLEY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY IS : TREY MFOUNDER, PUBLIC RELATIONS, THE BOTTOM LINE---------------------------------------------------RICK MFOUNDING MEMBER, A/V SPECIALIST, EXTRA-SENSATIVE TO PARANORMAL ACTIVITY---------------------------------------------------JOHN ZFOUNDING MEMBER, TECH SPECIALIST, EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE---------------------------------------------------JEFF GCASE MANAGER, OCCULT SPECIALST, WEBMASTER---------------------------------------------------
51 Year Old
From Waco, TX·
Joined on June 20, 2009
Born on December 16th
After an unexpected hiatus, BVPRS is back! Several changes have been made, but we feel that all these changes will allow us to function better as a team, so we may better serve our clients.
We are interested in any & all paranormal activity. We take every case very seriously, research every case thoroughly & work with our clients in a professional manner. We are not about "ghosthunting", we observe all activity objectively &, with the approval & assistance of our clients, form our gameplan from that point forward.
We are not experts. We all have days jobs, but this is something we are all interested in & have had contact with in our individual lives. We've taken all of our collective knowledge & come together as a group to assist our clients in understanding paranormal activity, & hopefully to bring some peace back into their lives or the lives of their loved ones.
That being said, we are looking for clients in the Greater Mclennan County area. We work with individuals, familes, or any other Paranormal Team that you or your family may have consulted prior to contacting us.
We very much look forward to hearing from you! please contact us anytime via our FUBAR page or via the email address below...
Email us @ brazosvalleyprs@yahoo.com