Broken Heart
I sit here alone in the dark condemed by a world of freedom
missing the one I love if only I could hold u close
feel ur heart beat next to mine for one last time
just to feel the warmth of your skin against mine
and to feel your heart beat next to mine for one last time
is all i'm asking
The world is full of precious and beautiful things
but u surpass them all.
More precious than a newborn baby more beautiful
than a single red rose
I love you so much and wish you were here
Here to seize all of my worries and to wipe away all my tears.
You are a constant thought in my head.
you in my heart an in my heart
there is a place for you where you will forever stay.
As I sit here alone in the dark my eyes feel with tears,
I feel so alone and worried while my heart is filled with fear.
I love you so much and wish that u felt the same.
I pray that we will be together again someday.
Copyright ©2006 Bekah Dyann Sedigas