Alright, since life is absolutely pissing me off at the moment, I've decided I might as well give this blogging shit a try.
Today was so horrible, that I'm having a hard time even typing right now without breaking the keyboard upon making spelling mistakes. I'm just reaching the end of my lines. I am a VERY understanding, patient guy... But even I have limits.
Woke up this morning, and felt a bit ick... No biggie... Then about noon-ish, I started feeling faint. Thankfully, we ended work a little early, and I got to go home an hour and a half earlier than usual. So I came home (a bus, 2 metros, and another bus) feeling like I was about to face plant the whole time.
Got home, took a nap to help the feeling pass. Woke up to the sound of my cell receiving a text message. As usual, my hope was that it was from my gf, whome I only get to see on weekends since she's currently 3 hours away on course for another week or so. Well... I'm wishing now that it hadn't been her.
To shorten this a bit, as of a little while ago, I am potentially single. She needs time to think. I understand, and will give her as much space as she needs... But I'm quite afraid that space will not get filled back in. I love her with ALL my heart, and would literally run right into hell and back for her. I'm the kind of guy that if she was to rip my heart from my chest, I would use my lest breath to say, "I'm sorry for bleeding on you..."
I don't know if anyone's actually going to read this, but I honestly don't care. If you DO read it, please comment in some way... I could really use a little support... Please bear in mind this is the first time I ever release my feelings to the public, and I hope to not regret it.