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39 Year Old · Female · From Sterling, IL · Joined on June 20, 2006 · Born on July 2nd · 9 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
39 Year Old · Female · From Sterling, IL · Joined on June 20, 2006 · Born on July 2nd · 9 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

This is how it is guys, I can be your best friend or your worst nightmare that is entirely up to you.body{cursor:url(http://pimpimg.myyearbook.com/usercontent/fast/pimp_images/Cursors/cartoon/Hello_Kitty/comics_sanrio_hellokitty_01.ani);}

39 Year Old · Female · From Sterling, IL · Joined on June 20, 2006 · Born on July 2nd · 9 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
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