42 Year Old
From Jonesboro, GA·
Invited by: 271377·
Joined on January 29, 2007
Born on October 24th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
42 Year Old
From Jonesboro, GA·
Invited by: 271377·
Joined on January 29, 2007
Born on October 24th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
This is the Day the Lord has made.........
God has kept me here for a reason. I survived because He has a plan for me. All my bad relationships, the consequences, the hard times, the sad times, the death of my loved ones, the back stabbing from my friends, the negative thoughts, or the lack of support; I made it because I am blessed!
I release and let go of all past hurts, misunderstandings and grudges because I am abundantly blessed! I recognize them as the illusions they are, and sent from the enemy to kill my spirit, steal my joy, and destroy my faith; For God is all there is. All else is a lie!
Now give yourself a hug, wipe your tears away and walk in victory!!!!!!!!
I love you, but more appropriately, God loves you BEST! Be blessed and know that you are at one with THE SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD! And may the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other. Genesis 31:49. Amen!
Now since you are a true child of God, you know that with every blessing, a blessing is required! So be a blessing to another, by passing this on.
'The Will of GOD will never take you where the GRACE of GOD will not protect you. *********************************************************** HOT MySpace Comments & HOT MySpace Layouts *********************************************************** HOT MySpace Comments & HOT MySpace Layouts HOT MySpace Comments & HOT MySpace Layouts *********************************************************** My result for Will You Be a Good Boyfriend/Girlfriend? is The Diehard Boyfriend/GirlfriendYou are without doubt the best kind of lover within the human race. Romeo and Juliet could have taken tips from you. It might happen that you are so good as a lover that your partner pales in comparison. Take care of these issues, and the rest would be a jolly good ride!Will You Be a Good Boyfriend/Girlfriend? created by QuizCat.Com - Quizzes, Surveys, Tests, Trivias
You aren't jealous in the least, and it's a very good thing. You are content with your own life, and you're proud of who you are. And you are able to be truly happy when a friend has things go their way. You're confident, capable, and full of high self esteem. Keep it up!
How Jealous Are You?
42 Year Old
From Jonesboro, GA·
Invited by: 271377·
Joined on January 29, 2007
Born on October 24th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
May your home be filled with laughter and the warm embrace of a summer day.. May you find peacefulness and beauty, challenge and satisfaction, humor and insight, healing and renewal, love and wisdom, as in a quiet heart.. May you always feel that what you have is enoughhugs..please have a wonderful day
YOur birthday is almost here. I do not want to forget your birthday so I am wishing you now.I hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration.Happy Birthday!hugs and kisses,Juliet (*_*)