Once upon a time, there was a website name Lost Cherry. This, kids, was a long, long time ago. Lost Cherry was a great social site. It was where you could go to make new friends, possibly make hookups, whatever. There wasn't a status issue. There were no blings. It was just a fun place to hang out.
Then one day, Lost Cherry became Cherry Tap. And thus began the downward spiral of what was once a great site. Along with the name change, there were numerous other changes made. Site formatting was the biggest challenge we all had to face. But the worst was yet to come.
Cherry Tap finally morphed into the monstrosity that is now Fubar. It is now a place of attention whores. You can get cyber shitfaced and put your free porn out there for anyone of your choosing to see. Of course, this all comes with a price. One that is set by the owner of this establishment. He's a genius folks. He figured out a way to get porn without having to pay for it. In fact, HE'S the one getting paid for it.
I've been humored over the years by the endless complaints from women about how men are "all the same", always sending them filthy messages and such. Well, you can't expect anything different, you trashy princess, when all you put in your pic folders are naked pictures of yourself. If you WANT quality, you have to GIVE quality. And I'm sorry, if I'm seeing nothing but tits, ass and cunt, then that's all you are. TAC. Deal with it.
I left this place a couple years ago because of personal issues. Hell, it wasn't just personal issues. It was all the drama that was free floating around here. I left this place because it disgusted me. I came back to see what sorts of changes had gone on in that time. Funny, that this time around, there hasn't been one god damned change. LOL. Everything is just as it was when I left it. Who knows how long I'll stick around. I feel the filth adhering to me now as I type this.