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33 Year Old · Male · Joined on February 15, 2010 · Born on November 17th · 1 referrals joined!
33 Year Old · Male · Joined on February 15, 2010 · Born on November 17th · 1 referrals joined!

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I'm 18 about to graduate high school. I'm looking to a degree in CG or video game design. I really love laughing it's one of the few things that bring me joy. I have a slight temper problem when provoked but only when provoked. I'm a super hero most people don't know that but I save others days by cheering them up and always being an open ear and a sealed mouth. That's all I can think of if you want to learn more about me ask me.

33 Year Old · Male · Joined on February 15, 2010 · Born on November 17th · 1 referrals joined!
Some interest... hmmm... Sex d(^.^)b haha jk. I'm interested in video games and music. I also LOVE reading books and manga. Definitely have an addiction there also despite my petite look I love to eat food and a pretty good amount at that. I love being social with my friends however large groups of people I don't know scares me shitless. I like going up to people I know don't know me in public and recollecting on old times that never really existed. It's pretty fun, other then that I pretty much commit my favorite sin of Sloth and laze around aimlessly for hours accomplishing nothing.
I enjoy a plethora of music ranging to just about anything that catches my attention. Well except Scream-O, I enjoy lyrics to much for that crap. I usually listen to things with an up tempo beat. Some of my first influences were Creed and, Greenday. My variety has greatly increased my main influences are Modest mouse, Hollywood Undead, Led Zeppelin, Sublime, Cartel, Street light Manifesto, Angry Banana, Bass Hunter, Weird Al, Nickleback, The Medic droid, Guns and roses, The Beetle, Daft Punk and, Jack's Mannequin. Well those are some of the artist I can think of off the top of my head that just make me who I am.
Video Games
I played video games religiously until recently due to the fact I need to get a job I had to cut down a lot. Some games I really enjoy playing are Command and Conquer, Face of Mankind(MMORPG) which is hands to an amazing game and FREE so check it out, COD 4 and Modern Warfare for PS3 and, any RPG game will have me at a screen for 12 hours at a time till I can beat that bitch.(Which is why I had to cut down a shit ton. lol)

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