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45 Year Old · Male · From Atascadero, CA · Joined on April 10, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 23rd · 6 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
45 Year Old · Male · From Atascadero, CA · Joined on April 10, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 23rd · 6 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

I am no one of any importance, and if you are not my friend you should just forget me, save space in your mind for important things.
If you don't ask you wont know if you don't want to know then just guess.

You got your rules and your religion all designed to keep you safe
But when rules start getting broken you start questioning your faith
I have a spirit that is my savior,
Hates to love and Loves to hate.
I have a spirit that has knowledge and the power to rule your fate.
I hear spirits crying
I see heroes dying
I taste blood thats drying
I feel tension rising

45 Year Old · Male · From Atascadero, CA · Joined on April 10, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 23rd · 6 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
My interests include good tequilas not jose or sauza if i go cheap on tequila its bandolero or tre hombre or a decent mezcal. I rather not drink if its piss. A good shot or 2 of asom broso or milagro hits the spot always.
I also smoke pot and I dont put it in the same category as drugs. Shit I live in california and its legal.
My main interests above and beyond any is women women and more women I love to look at you I love to touch I love to fantasize about you.
I am also very voeuristic and am not afraid to show my body to women who find it attractive. or make love in places many would never dare. football game in the bleachers in the bar on a pool table and any other place.
I am very open about myself and would answer any question you can pop at me.
I am a Spirit a wisp in the night. I watch over some and care for others. If you see a Spirit Girl say hi she is nice she is smart she is not fake in anyway. Don't try and talk her away from her Spirit guide it would end up she would not want to talk to you no more. We are not interfering with them we are their family.
I love music I love all kinds but sappy ass love songs are up on the top. Listening to Hinder or evanescence and Dido really can help when I cant think. I absolutely think that the best group of all time is PINK FLOYD.
My ringtone is Mary Magdalan she is the greatest singer since pink floyd. She lived it rough and says it in her music. my normal ringtone is rehab 1 of her songs not the group. Except for my moms I use hers to her moms which is debbie. I also wake up to her song I should kill you. believe me listen to her and you will agree she rocks especially if you like to scream or are just mad Mary soothes
I also like KK ICP afroman and groups that sing about weed.
I write music well ok u got me its not music if u dont sing it. I write poems and whatnot. I can play the drums. and I sing (not very good but I do it for me and because it makes me feel good)
I know I am forgetting so much but I am trying.
Video Games
This is a lil tricky I got PS3 Xbox 360 and all older ones they play on my 62 inch hi def I dont got wi and dont want it. I however use my ps3 to play bluray and music my xbox360 is down the rd at a friend phils cus he has nothing to do no cable no nothing.
I play some online games but mostly the kind which our friend maker types.
I like to watch others play the games but rather not play myself except 4 like 5 minutes. I think its that A D D thing.
I have a short attention span so if you got my attention keep it.

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