39 Year Old
From Brooklyn, NY·
Joined on October 9, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 5th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
39 Year Old
From Brooklyn, NY·
Joined on October 9, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 5th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
39 Year Old
From Brooklyn, NY·
Joined on October 9, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 5th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Latest Status
ari85 To all my fubar friend I'm opening a new profile with my hold name so u can look for my by Arileyn shee ok thank you hope to see u there as the family u r to me . This one that I'm colsing is part of my pass and I want to begin all over agan. . The new pag
♥ leaving you some love and rated your profile a 10 if you could rate mine too that would be really nice of you i hope you are having a great week ♥ :D
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