Application For a Piece of Ass(in most cases you needn't use your real info)
Name: __________________________
Address: ______________________________
Age: __________ Phone: ___________________
SSN: _______________________
Hair Color: ____________ Real Hair Color: _________
Eye Color: _________ Dentures: ________ Weight: ________
Height: ________ Waist Size: ________
Chest Size or Bra Size: __________
Marital Status: Married___ Single___ Divorced___ Other___
Are Breasts or Balls Real? ______
Do You Like Them: Sucked____ Chewed____
Kissed____ Caressed____ Squeezed____ Other____
None of the Above____
Can You Stay Out Late? ___ How Late? ___ All Night? ___ Several Days? ___
Do You Like To Be Screwed? ___ How Often? ____ Do You Like Oral Sex? ___
Penis or Pussy Size: Small ____ Medium ____ Large ____ Extra Large ____
While Screwing Do You: Faint__ Fart__ Cry__ Moan__ Hum__ Whistle__
Scream__ Yodel__ Scratch__ Just Lay There__
Go To Sleep__ All of the Above__
List the Top 3 Positions You Like the Best: 1)___________________________
When You Cum Do You: Wiggle__ Wobble__ Twist__ Jerk__ Scream__ Cry__
Just Start Humping Like Hell__
What Kind of Screw Do You Like? Fast__ Super Fast__ Slow__ All Night___
How Many Times? _________________ Comments _____________________________
How Long Do You Like To Screw At One Interval? _________________________
If You Have Screwed Before, Give Two(2) References (Not Immediate Family)
Name:______________________ Address:___________________ Phone:__________
Name:______________________ Address:___________________ Phone:__________
If Application Is Favorable, What Are Your Charges For:
One Night______ One Hour_____ Muff Burger Special or Blow Job?__________
What Credit Cards Will You Accept? Master Card___ VISA___ Am. Express____ Sears___ JC Penney's___ All of the Above___ Others___