I LOVE TO HACK INTO PEOPLE COMPUTERS WHEN THEY STAND UP TO ME ONLINE, HERES SOME OF MY WORK!!Details: Rule"Default Block Robo-Hack Trojan horse" blocked (,5569).Inbound TCP connection.Local address,service is (,5569).Remote address,service is (,2013).Process name is"N/A". Details: Rule"Default Block Robo-Hack Trojan horse" blocked (,5569).Inbound TCP connection.Local address,service is (,5569).Remote address,service is (,50890).Process name is"N/A".Details: Rule"Default Block Robo-Hack Trojan horse" blocked (,5569).Inbound TCP connection.Local address,service is (,5569).Remote address,service is (,1800).Process name is"N/A".Details: Rule"Default Block Robo-Hack Trojan horse" blocked (,5569).Inbound TCP connection.Local address,service is (,5569).Remote address,service is (,62206).Process name is"N/A".IF YOU DARE TALK TO ANY GIRL THAT I MIGHT LIKE, EVEN IF THEY WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ME... THIS IS WHATS GONNA HAPPEN TO YOU! AND IF THIS DOESNT WORK I WILL POST YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AND GET PEOPLE TO COME TO YOUR HOUSE LIKE I TRIED TO DO TO THIS GUYFUBAR.COM/USER/1529124
I LOVE TO HACK INTO PEOPLE COMPUTERS WHEN THEY STAND UP TO ME ONLINE, HERES SOME OF MY WORK!!Details: Rule"Default Block Robo-Hack Trojan horse" blocked (,5569).Inbound TCP connection.Local address,service is (,5569).Remote address,service is (,2013).Process name is"N/A". Details: Rule"Default Block Robo-Hack Trojan horse" blocked (,5569).Inbound TCP connection.Local address,service is (,5569).Remote address,service is (,50890).Process name is"N/A".Details: Rule"Default Block Robo-Hack Trojan horse" blocked (,5569).Inbound TCP connection.Local address,service is (,5569).Remote address,service is (,1800).Process name is"N/A".Details: Rule"Default Block Robo-Hack Trojan horse" blocked (,5569).Inbound TCP connection.Local address,service is (,5569).Remote address,service is (,62206).Process name is"N/A".IF YOU DARE TALK TO ANY GIRL THAT I MIGHT LIKE, EVEN IF THEY WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ME... THIS IS WHATS GONNA HAPPEN TO YOU! AND IF THIS DOESNT WORK I WILL POST YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AND GET PEOPLE TO COME TO YOUR HOUSE LIKE I TRIED TO DO TO THIS GUYFUBAR.COM/USER/1529124
I feel your eyes on me, loving and knowing. I thrill to discover you lying close by my side as I turn my gaze toward you and I look deeply into your soul...