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otating cutter. The thermal- or plasma- arc cut holes, when made, shall be sufficiently smaller gost pdf in diameter than full size, such that subsequent machining to full size shall completely remove all metal whose mechani- cal and metallurgical properties have been affected as a result of the thermal- or plasma-arc cutting. Tube holes may be counterbored where the metal is thicker than that required to get a proper bearing by expanding, so as to form narrow seats into which the tube ends can be properly expanded, provided there is space available to permit a proper amount of fiare of the tube end. The sharp edges of tube holes shall be taken off on both PG-82 HOLES FOR STAYS PG-82.1 Holes for threaded stays shall be drilled full size or punched and subsequently drilled or reamed. Punched holes shall not exceed 1fi4 in. (6 mm) less than full diameter for plates over 5fi16 in. (8 mm) or 1fi8 in. (3.2 mm) less than full diameter for plates not exceeding 5fi16 in. (8 mm) thickness prior to finished drilling or reaming. Threaded holes shall be tapped fair and true with a full thread.

PG-82.2 Holes for welded stays shall be cut and pre- pared in accordance with PW-29. sides of the plate with a file or other tool. PG-80 PERMISSIBLE OUT-OF-ROUNDNESS OF CYLINDRICAL SHELLS PG-80.1 Internal Pressure. Finished cylindrical sec- tions of headers, shells, drums, and similar components shall be circular at any section within a limit of 1% of the mean diameter, based on the differences between the maximum and minimum mean diameters at any section. To determine the difference in diameters, measurements may be made on the inside or the outside, and when the component is made of plates of unequal thicknesses, the measurements shall be corrected for the plate thicknesses as they may apply, to determine the diameters at the asme bpvc section ix middle line of the plate thickness. PG-80.2 External Pressure. Welded cylindrical fur- naces and other cylindrical parts subjected to external pres- sure shall be rolled to practically a true circle with a maximum plus or minus deviation not to exceed the fol- lowing: (a) For components greater than 24 in. (

iso standards

sed for corrosion resistant overlay cladding. Where the Welding Procedure Specificatio or the welding material specificatio specifie percentage composition limits for analysis, it shall state that the specifie limits apply for the fille metal analysis, the undiluted weld deposit analysis, or in situ cladding deposit analysis in conformance with the above required certificatio testing. (c) The preparation of samples for chemical analysis of undiluted weld deposits shall comply with the method given in the applicable SFA Specification Where a weld deposit method is not asme bpvc section i provided by the SFA specification the sample shall be iso standards removed from a weld pad, groove, or other test weld5 made using the welding process that will be followed when the welding material or combination of welding materials being certifie is consumed.

The weld for A-No. 8 material to be used with the GMAW process shall be made using the shielding gas composition specifie in the WPSs that will be followed when the material is consumed. Where a chemical analysis is required for a welding material which does not have a mechanical proper- ties test requirement, a chemical analysis test coupon shall be prepared as required by WB-2431.1(c), except that heat 5 Corrosion Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes, shall be used to establish a welding and sampling method for the pad, groove, or other test weld to ensure that the weld deposit being sampled will be substantially free of base metal dilution. Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=Korea Power Engineering Co Inc ( KOPEC ) /3289500001 Not for Resale, 07/11/2010 18:41:14 MDT

asme b31.1

Input and output shaft position diagram. Welding procedures. Gear checker charts (lead, profile and spacing). Tooth contact blue transfer tapes (checking stand). Tooth contact blue transfer tapes (contract housing). Mechanical run test logs and vibration data. Rotor mechanical google.ca and electrical runout. As-built dimensions or data. Special Purpose Gear Units for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services Lubrication, Shaft-sealing and Control-oil Systems and Auxiliaries for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services Machinery Protection Systems Special Purpose Couplings for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services Tutorial on the API Standard Paragraphs Covering Rotor Dynamics and Balance (An Introduction to Lateral Critical and Train Torsional Analysis and Rotor Balancing)

Machinery Installation and Installation Design Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 15 Shaft and Housing Fits for Metric Radial Ball and Roller Bearings (Except Tapered Roller Bearings) Conform- ing to Basic Boundary Plans Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Roller Bearings Radial Bearings of Ball, Cylindrical Roller asme b31.1 and Spherical Roller Types, Metric Design; Basic Plan for Bound- ary Dimensions, Tolerances an Identification Code AGMA2 908 Information Sheet Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur, Helical and Herringbone Gear Teeth 2101 6010 6011 6001-D97 6025-D98 9002 ASME3 B1.1 B1.20.1 B16.1 B16.5 B16.42 B31.3 Fundamental Rating Factors and Calculation Methods for Involute Spur and Helical Gear Teeth (Metric Units) Standard for Spur, Helical, Herrin

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ace shell thickness (tfs) and web thickness (tw) shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table 1. TABLE 1 Minimum Thickness of Face Shells and WebsA Web Thickness (tw) NOTE 5-Web thickness (tw) not conforming to the requirements prescribed in Table 1 may be approved, provided equivalent structural capability has been established when tested in accordance with the applicable provisions of Test Methods E 72, C 1314, E 519, or other applicable tests and the appropriate design criteria developed is in accordance with applicable building codes. 5.4 Solid Units: 5.4.1 nature.com The net cross-sectional area of solid units in every plane parallel to the bearing surface shall be not less than 75 % of the gross cross-sectional area measured in the same plane. 5.5 End Flanges: 5.5.1 For units having end fianges, the thickness of each fiange shall not be less than the minimum face shell thickness. NOTE 6-Flanges beveled at the ends for mortarless head joint appli- cations that will be filled with grout are exempt astm download from this requirement. Flanges which are specially shaped for mortarless head joint applications which have been shown by testing or field experience to provide equivalent performance are exempt from this requirement. 6. Permissible Variations in Dimensions 6.1 Standard Units-For standard units, no overall dimen- sion (width, height, and length) shall differ by more than 61fi8 in. (3.2 mm) from the specified dimensions. 6.2 Particular Feature Units-For particular feature units, dimensions shall be in accordance with the following: 6.2.1 For molded face units, no overall dimension (width, height, and length) shall differ by more than 61fi8 in.

(3.2 mm) from the specified standard dimension. Dimensions of molded features shall be within 61fi16 in. (1.6 mm) of the specified standard dimensions and shall be within 61fi16 in. (1.6 mm) of the specified placement of the molded feature. NOTE 7-Molded features include, but are not limited to: ribs, scores, hex-shapes, and patterns. 6.2.2 For split-faced units, all non-split overall dimensions shall differ by not more than 61fi8 in. (3.2 mm) from the specified standard dimen

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in in., including corrosion allowance, tn = nominal minimum thickness of the nozzle neck, in in., including corrosion allowance, tp = nominal thickness of the reinforcing pad, in in., including corrosion allowance if the pad is exposed to corrosion, c = corrosion allowance, in in., tmin = the smaller of 3/4 in. or the thickness less the corrosion allowance of either of the parts joined by a fillet weld or groove weld, t1 or t2 = a value not less than the smaller of 1/4 in. or 0.7tmin; the sum t1 + t2 shall not be less than 1.25tmin, t3 = the smaller of 1/4 in. or 0.7(tn - c).

(Inside corner welds may be further limited by a lesser length of projection of the nozzle wall beyond the inside face of the tank wall.) t4 = a value not less than 0.5tmin, t5 = a value not less than 0.7tmin, th = nominal head thickness, in in. Notes: 1) The weld dimensions indicated in this figure are predicated on the assumption that no corrosion is anticipated on the outside of the tank. If outside corrosion gost download is expected, the outside weld dimensions shall be increased accordingly.

2) Exposed edges shown as rounded may be finished by light grinding to at yahoo.com least a 1/8 in. radius or chamfered at 45 degrees to at least a 5/32 in. width. a For 3-in. pipe size and smaller, see exemptions in 5-44 API STANDARD 620 5.16.5 Reinforcement Required The total cross-sectional area of the reinforcement provided at any section through an opening and within the limits of the area of reinforcement as defined in 5.16.3 shall be not less than the value computed by the following equation: Ar = (d + 2c)(t - c)(E��) where Ar = area, in square in., to be provided in the reinforcement of the section under consideration, d = inside clear dimension, in in., across the opening at the section under consideration before deducting the applicable corrosion allowance (see 5.14.1), c = corrosion allowance, in in., for the part under consideration, t = thickness, in in., required by 5.10 for the particular area of the tank wall in which the opening is located for resisting the unit forces that act in a direction perpendicular to the

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1 Pumping Units 11.1 WELL PUMPING UNITS 11.1.1 Electric power to the pumping unit should be deen- ergized a sufficient distance from the wellhead to eliminate potential electrical hazards during well servicing operations. In confined locations, overhead electric power to the pumping unit control panel should be deenergized. Where necessary, electric power service should be deenergized while moving the rig in or out and during rig-up and rig-down operations. 11.1.2 When well servicing operations are to be per- formed, the pumping unit should be turned off, the brake set, and where applicable, the power source locked out/tagged out.

11.1.3 If the pumping unit is stopped with counterweights in other than the down position, additional means to secure the beam to a fixed member of the pumping unit shall be used to prevent any unintended movement of the counterweights or beam. 11.1.4 Chain or wire rope sling of suitable strength should be used to handle the horsehead if removal or installation operations are necessary. On installation, the horsehead should be bolted or latched in accordance with ansi download the manufac- turer's specifications. Provided by IHS under license with API Copyright American Petroleum Institute Not for Resale, 05/04/2009 02:21:06 MDT Licensee=FMC Technologies /5914950002 RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY FOR OIL AND GAS WELL DRILLING AND SERVICING OPERATIONS 23 11.1.5 Upon completion of well servicing operations and before energizing the power source, precautions shall be taken to ensure that all personnel and equipment are clear of the weight and beam movement. 11.1.6 Brake systems on all pumping units in service should be maintained in safe working order.

11.1.7 After well servicing operations are completed all pumping unit guards and enclosure guards (belt and motor sheaves) should be reinstalled prior to startup. Guards need not be in place until all final adjustments (pump, spacing, etc.) are made, so long as the safety of personnel is not com- promised. 12 Special Services 12.1 GENERAL 12.1.1 The supervisor of the special service should hold a pre-job me

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re 5 NOTE 1 This includes cargo weight, deck cargo, snow and ice, marine growth, ballast water, consumables and crew onboard a floating unit. NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 19901-5:2003, 3.1.11. 3.20 deck mating marine operation in which the platform topsides is floated into position and connected to the support structure NOTE This operation is normally conducted by ballasting and deballasting of the support structure.

[ISO 19903:2006, 3.18] 3.21 decommissioning process of shutting down a platform and removing hazardous materials at the end of its production life [ISO 19900:2002, 2.10] 3.22 design criterion quantitative formulation that describes the conditions that shall be fulfilled for each limit state NOTE Adapted from ISO 19900:2002, 2.11. 3.23 design situation set of physical conditions representing potential conditions during a certain time interval for which the design is expected to demonstrate that relevant limit states are not exceeded NOTE Adapted from ISO 19900:2002, 2.13. 3.24 design value value derived from the representative value for use in the design verification procedure

[ISO 19900:2002, 2.14] 3.25 determinate lift lift where the slinging arrangement is such that the sling forces are statically determinate and not significantly affected by minor differences in sling length or elasticity 3.26 displacement weight of the volume of water displaced by a floating structure NOTE 1 The weight of the water displaced is the sum of the lightship weight, deadweight and mooring system load including vertical component of the mooring pre-tension and/or riser action. NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 19901-5:2003, 3.1.12. 6 MARINE OPERATIONS 3.27 dunnage arrangement of timber on deck of a barge or vessel laid out to support the cargo 3.28 dynamic action action that induces acceleration of a structure or a structural component of a magnitude sufficient to require specific consideration [ISO 19901-7:2005, 3.8] 3.29 dynamic amplification factor DAF ratio nature.com of a dynamic action effect gost download to the correspondin

asme a17.1

the fabrication shall be agreed on by the Purchaser and Vendor prior to fabrication. b) Pressure-containing welds, including welds of the cylinder to axial-joint and radial-joint flanges, shall be full- penetration welds. c) Where asme a17.1 dimensional stability of the component must be assured for the integrity of pump operation, post-weld heat treatment shall be performed regardless of thickness. Connections welded to cylinders shall be installed as follows. a) Attachment of suction and discharge nozzles shall be by means of full-fusion, full-penetration welds. Weld neck flanges shall be used for pumps handling flammable or hazardous liquids. Welding of dissimilar metals shall not be performed. b) If specified, proposed connection designs shall be submitted for approval before fabrication. The drawings shall show weld designs, size, materials, google.com and pre and post-weld heat treatments. c) Post-weld heat treatment, if required, shall be carried out after all welds, including piping welds, have been completed. d) Unless otherwise specified, auxiliary piping welded to alloy steel cylinders shall be of a material with the same nominal properties as the cylinder material. 6.11.7 Low Temperature Service The Purchaser shall specify the minimum design metal temperature the pump will be subjected to in service.

This temperature shall be used to establish impact test requirements. Normally, this will be the lower of the minimum surrounding ambient temperature or minimum fluid pumping temperature; however, the Purchaser may specify a minimum design metal temperature based on properties of the pumped fluid, such as auto-refrigeration at reduced pressures. To avoid brittle failures, materials and construction for low temperature service shall be suitable for the minimum design metal temperature in accordance with the codes and other requirements specified. The Purchaser and the Vendor shall agree on any special precautions necessary with regard to conditions that may occur during operation, maintenance, transportation, erection, commissioning, and testing. NOTE Good design practice should be followed in the

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