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Paul Edward's blog: "All About Softwares"

created on 09/18/2013  |  http://fubar.com/all-about-softwares/b355734  |  1 followers

When the holiday season arrives, you see the offices of travel agent getting crowded with the people that have the desire to go somewhere on a vacation trip. Parents with their children head towards the travel agents in search of the best deal that is economic and classic. The same search is held from the home by a huge number of people through their rapid functioning laptops, tablets or even smartphones when sitting on their comfortable sofas. People that are reluctant to leave their home and drive to the agents with their kids prefer to search the finest deal on the web. As the Christmas is getting closer, there will be deals regarding holidays and festival shopping deal will go up on the internet.

Cyber criminals are well aware of the fact that there are many people who do not like to get the holiday deal physically, but, desire to find it online. That is why; there were nearly 260,000 cases of cyber crimes were registered last year. The average cost per scam was almost $4,500, and the majority of the cases were the outcome of online shopping and booking. The e-crooks are active throughout the year, but, they get extremely active during the holiday season. The internet scams are getting organized day by day and difficult to avoid for the innocent users. So what can an online shopper do to avoid such scams?

The first advice that cyber security experts give to the users is to avoid using public Wi-fi connection. It is a piece of cake for the user to get a safe passage to your database via a public hotspot connection. IT experts even say that it is not safe to use social media websites as the username and password can be extracted by the hackers. You can imagine how risky it can be to shop online by using an unsecure hotspot connection. Credit card is somehow safer than the debit card as the fake transaction from the credit card can be stopped. Other than that always use the secure https link as it can provide some reasonable security.

BBB is the logo of the Better Business Bureau; it is the evidence that the site on which you are using for shopping is safe. The scammers also use this logo on their malware website. However, the difference between the fake and real logo is that, when you click the real logo in will carry you to the reliability report, whereas, if you click on the fake one, it will do nothing. There are also incidents of data breaches through the same techniques; so, using software that can act as File Lock can help you to keep your data protected.

The hackers are getting advance every day, they are learning new techniques and working hard to tackle the latest security barriers. The computer users that are interested in activities like online shopping need to be aware of the latest hacking techniques. Use anti malware programs and take precautions that are recommended by the data security experts. Enjoy your holiday and online shopping; don’t let the crooks to ruin your fun.

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One of the better feelings while using Windows Phone Operating System is that you always find some new features every now and then. It can be something about an unknown camera trick from the wonderful camera of the Nokia Lumia phone that was not discovered yet, or it can be some small feature that usually makes big differences. One of the perks of using smartphone is the amazing music quality. Nokia is the main manufacturer of Windows Phones and it is quite reputed in producing phones with amazing music quality. The distinct characteristic is that you can manage the sound quality through the option of audio settings that is located in the general settings. You can even switch to the DJ mode and enable the Dolby playback that will give you the feel that no other OS offers.

There is no conflict of opinion that the identity of Windows Phone is definitely its tile style. You can make live tiles of your groups which will appear in your contacts and if you desire, you can just simply move it on your main screen as well. The group will give you the option of group chat, group email and you can also see the group members’ activities on social media. So, all the people you need to contact or want to track their social activities are just one tap away. This kind of luxury is best offered by the Windows Phone.

Another benefit of using the smartphone is the reliable data security. Merely 0.3 percent of the malware attacks take place against the Windows Phone OS, which means it is quite secure for keeping data. You can avoid even this 0.3 percent of data threat by using Folder Lock for Windows Phone. The Microsoft’s Operating System is more stable than the other two rivals i.e. Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS. Windows Phone is the least used mobile OS at the moment, but, there are many wonderful features other than the very few mentioned above.

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For most of the smartphone users, the iPhone seems to be the best pick among all the Operating Systems. The majority of the smartphone users try to get some guidance to choose between the Google’s Operating System Android and the Microsoft OS Windows Phone OS. Other than the iPhone, there is another well reputed Operating System is Blackberry, but, it is not one of the most desired ones. The reason behind the popularity of these two Operating Systems is that, these two OSes have a large variety of handsets that use these Operating Systems. Users ask experts to give them a comprehensive answer, so that, hey can select the best OS. But, the fact is that, both the OS are great and have some tiny flaws, so, no one can answer the question perfectly. There are some positives and negatives given below of the both mobile operating software that can guide you in picking up the right phone.

The Android Operating System is the most used OS in the world. It shares somewhere around 80 percent of the smartphone market around the globe. The major quality of Android is that its handsets are available in a wide range, from one of the best smartphones Samsung Galaxy, to the China manufactured phones that cost about $50 to $70, all use the Android OS. Other than that, the Google Play is full of quality apps; you can find almost any application you desire. Android has almost everything that is essential for being a successful Operating System.

It is not necessary that the wide range always give you a better experience. As Android has given the free hand to the manufacturers, so, they use the Operating System accordingly. There is quite a big difference between the Android OS that is used in the expansive handset and the one that is used in the cheap smartphone. There is not much uniformity, which is a big drawback. Moreover, Android devices are very much prone to mal attacks as compared to the other OS in the market including Windows Phone OS and iOS. Almost 80 percent of the attacks against Android succeed, it clearly illustrates that Android is not the best choice if you want to keep your data secure.

The best thing about the Windows Phone Operating System is the stability. In comparison of 80 percent successful mal attacks on Android, Windows Phone OS has this rate as low as 0.3 percent. Furthermore, this rate can even be pulled down by using Folder Lock for Windows Phone. Windows Phone has refreshing user interface that is extremely easy to use. As Microsoft is the one that is producing Nokia’s smartphones that use Windows OS, so, they produce a handset that gels well with the Operating System. Even the Windows phones manufactured by the companies such as HTC give you the same pleasure because Microsoft does not allow the handset manufacturers modify the OS much.

The drawback with the Windows phone is that, the users that are using Windows Phone 7 cannot be upgraded beyond Windows Phone 7.8, which means they are unable to use the apps that are engineered for the latest version i.e. Windows Phone 8. The other problem with the Microsoft OS is the common one that is the lack of availability of apps. The windows app store has the least number of apps as compared to the iTunes and Google Play. Smartphone is all about using different sorts of app whether they are fun apps or some task performing ones. Microsoft should look into these problems to make the OS even better.

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To make an effective comprehensive data security plan, you ought to understand discriminate the myths from the facts. When a common person thinks about the data security, the first thing that pop ups the mind is a hacker. In reality, that is just a myth or a misconception, the fact is that out of 100 data breach cases, almost 80 out of them is the act of some insiders. Yes, the fact is shocking. The companies, who get their database ready to fight against the fierce attacks of hackers, still remain unsuccessful in making data secure. The reason is that they do not keep check and balance on the insider threats to the data.


 People believe that encrypting data means their data is now completely secure and no one access their data no matter what. But, unfortunately, that is also merely a myth. The fact is that, encryption is just a part of making data secure. No doubt that it is one of the most effective methods of securing data, but, solely it is not a complete information security. To give your records comprehensive foolproof security, it will be a good step if you use security software that can act as a File Lock. Encrypting a piece of information quite lessens the chances of getting stolen.


Another firm belief in the persons who do not have much of an expertise in the computer technology is that firewall can restrict hackers from accessing the database. However, a firewall cannot give your data reliable security. More than 40 percent of the information breaches are done by hackers after getting through from the firewall. Hackers have developed some extraordinary skills of breaking ordinary security barriers. That is why these orthodox methods of securing data cannot make your records leak proof. You have to learn more and more about the threats regarding data security. Keep yourself update with the latest happening to compete against the devilish cyber criminals. 


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The Windows Phone operating system is comparatively the least used operating system of the world. People are found to be fonder of using the Android operating system that belongs to Google and Apple’s operating system i.e. iOS. One of the basic reasons behind the less use of the Windows Phone operating system as compared to its rival is that, there is not much quality of the apps in the Windows app store. Nearly, only 33 percent of the best apps that are present in the other two operating systems are available for Windows Phone. Only 16 apps out of the 50 best apps of iOS are available for Windows Phone users and merely 14 best paid apps out 50 are offered to Windows Phone users.


Similarly, not more than 22 free apps out of 50 best free Android apps are present to use for the Windows Phone users and just 13 apps out of 50 best paid applications of Android can be used by Windows Phone users. Smartphone users tend to use more and more interesting applications; however, Windows app store only has 65 of the best available apps of the Smartphone. That is not much of a bad number regarding the popular apps that are available for Windows Phone. You must keep in mind that some of the apps are engineered especially for a particular operating system and are not functional in any other operating system. An example of such application is ‘Find my Phone’ that is a specialized app of iPhone and is not functional in any other operating system.


There are some applications that a particular cell phone or an operating system does not support, for instance, the apps available for Smartphone to work as a flashlight is not supported by the Windows Phone. The Windows app store does not have more than a one-third applications as compared to the Apple’s and Google’s app store. Microsoft is not the only one that is facing such problem, if you have a look at the Blackberry operating system, it also does not offer much of the popular mobile software that Smartphone users want to use. Smartphone users are always busy in searching new and innovative applications. The availability of some key applications is a boost for the consumers to opt for the operating systems that are rich in some fun and important applications.


As one of the core uses of Smartphone is to be active on social media, however, Windows Phone does not allow you to step into Instagram as it does not have that mobile software developed yet. Other than that, the famous games that are available on both the Android and iOS are not offered in the Windows Phone that is absolutely something frustrating. Having all these drawbacks, Microsoft does not disappoint you as experts suggest Windows Phone operating system as one of the best due to its stability and the user friendly interface. Folder Lock for Windows Phone is an application that makes your data saved in your Windows Phone completely secure. No game or fun application is more important than reliable data security mobile software, as data is possibly the most precious asset that you possess


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In the recent survey, almost 50 percent of the IT experts have said that organizations are not taking sufficient steps to restrict data loss. The survey was based on a sample size of One Thousand IT professional, nearly 450 of these IT experts claimed that they do not believe that if an organization is hit by a data breach incident; they will not be able to notify their clients on time. These IT professionals further added that the majority of the businesses that are running in different places are not equipped with enough security tools to tackle the threats of data security. The study was conducted by Oracle.

The results of the study are somewhat terrifying for the companies around the world that are dealing with some kind of business regarding information. The results reveal that the IT experts are rating the threats of a data breach of breach quite higher, probably more than the expectations of a common man. The outcome of the study suggests that the companies around the world are unable to estimate the value of data of loss or the need to make the data secure. The IT managers who were chosen for the interview claimed that they have better security measures to deal with the leakage as compared to their competitors.

Only 33 percent of the compliance accepted that have weaker security measures than the other firms in the industry and 42 percent of the IT departments accepted the same facts. They also said that the situation will get worse after a year or more, not on the next day of the data breach. As IT experts rate data breach threat quite high, it is better to use security software that offers the facility of Folder Locking. If you are an individual or a small scale company, that does not mean that your data safe secure. Last year almost 31 percent of the data was breached or theft out of the companies that had less than 100 employees. 

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The modern age of technology is amazing, there were never such facilities that we find were never that much common before. When you think of technology, one of the most first things that hit your mind is computer. Computer technology has probably been the fastest advanced technology. Since last 4 or 5 decades the computer technology has developed from zero to the latest laptops. The computer that once was about the size of a room, but, it can be carried now in baggy pants. The computer technology has indeed witnessed some of the best changes. The computer was considered as an accessory some time before, but, now it has become a must have thing in the home as well as at work place.

Today, almost the whole infrastructure of all the countries is based on computer. Banks, airports, railways all are operated with the help of a computer. The government’s reliance on computers for the betterment is also increasing, they have a firm believe that with the help of computer, they can serve people better. The computer technology can help the government in making better plans for the public and making better estimates for giving the better living standard to their countrymen. The use of computer has become inevitable, no matter, you are a businessman, student, a housewife you need a computer to perform your daily routine work.

Where the computer has blessed us with so many facilities, it is impossible that there are no cons along with the pros. One of the disadvantages that the computer technology has is affecting the health of computer users. Sitting in front monitor for a long period damages the eyes of the computer user and influences the eyesight of the person. Other than the eyesight issue, constantly typing on the computer makes the person prone to injuries. The injury caused by constantly performing repetitive task is a Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) that cause pain in wrist joint, finger and neck joints. The injury can get so severe that it can end the career of a person.

Other than the physical and medical issues, there are some serious technical disadvantages of the computer usage. Where a computer has given you the luxury to save data that is easy to manage and requires less space for a huge amount of data, it also threatens the data security. The database is always on the target of hackers that can steal the data from his home or workplace from any part of the world. Small portable data storing devices are also a threat to data security. There is always a fair chance of losing data because of the small size of these portable drives such as USB flash drives.

There are a variety of threats that your data face every moment, to make the data secure you have to use Data Security Software that can protect your data. A data breach can cause a lot of problems. Last year more than 30 percent of data was stolen from the companies that had employees less than a hundred. It is a clear indication that not only big organizations are at the stake of losing data, but, also smaller companies as well as the individuals are on the target of data thieves.

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