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41 Year Old · Male · Joined on January 20, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 31st
41 Year Old · Male · Joined on January 20, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 31st
I enjoy spending time with my bautiful daughter Amy, who is 3 in may,playing my x box 360, listening to music and having sex(lol), IM single just now not long split from my ex who i was with for 7 years,she broke my heart,Ill explain, I foolishly got myself sent to prison for battering my neighbour, you see he was letting his dog shit all over the shared gardeb and stair and after weeks of trying to ask him to stop and clean up his mess i came back rom work and my littke girl was coverd in shit from the back garden. So i went to the dor keeping in mind i had been to the pub after work, and he didnt even seem that botherd that my girl was coverd in his dogs shit, he had the chain on the door and wouldnt open his door to face me so i booted the door in and gave him a few punches in the heat of the momenti ended up inside for 4 months, so by the time i got out things were funny with me and my ex so i decided to move out cause that kind of enviroment is not good for a wee kid. After another 3 months of me living in a b&b and not seeing my kid as much as i wanted i stareted to think that somthing was up, so i went to the house at night to talk to her and she wouldnt let me in, now i had been with this girl the love of my life for 7 years so i really new somthing was up, so i forced my way in only to find a guy hiding by the bed, OUR BED! so i kicked the s**t out of him, for a while i thought my life was over but now i have a new pad in a nice area and i see my daughter much more than i was so things are looking up.(i feel better for getting that off my chest)
I am really in to hip,rap whateva you wanna call it, and i rate myself pretty high as a MC and song writter/poet,but you will have to find that out for your self, artists i like ars ,THE GAME, ALL THE WU TANG CLAN,MOBB DEEP BIG SHOUT OUT TO HAVOC AND PRODIGEY,LUPE FIASCO, NAS,B.BIG LOOKING FORWARD TO THE MOVIE, GREEN LANTERN,BIG SHOUT OUT TO THE U.K CREW DIZZEE RASCAL, WILEY, MIKE SKINNER, THE MITCHEL BROTHERS (NOT GRANT AND PHIL LOL),AND ANYBODY ELSE WHO REPRESENTS.

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