Joined on March 4, 2014
Born on November 30th
I have a crush on someone!
Joined on March 4, 2014
Born on November 30th
I have a crush on someone!
Latest Status
Cowgirl I'm 19 and I'm new to this and I'm a big country girl I like big trucks and sexy cowboys I live in Wyoming and that's all really what is can say
liked rated fanned n friended have a very warm welcome around these parts everyone calls me Sven but only a few have called me Alex! have a nice stay and if you need anything at all please feel free to drop me a line
Welcome to the Fubar. its hard to navigate at first but peeps will help if you ask them. Basicly that's how the game is played every one helps everyone, if the only help themselves their not your friend. if you here for romance, careful don't give yourself to quicly. ENJOY.