Joined on November 6, 2013
Born on November 30th
I live in Charles Town, middle of no-where, WV. Don't judge me-I like it here but I like to travel too. Aside from the casino and plethora of nudey joints it's not that bad.
90% of the time I'm a nice person...the other 10%....not so nice.
Joined on November 6, 2013
Born on November 30th
NOT interested in dumb stories about your mom or how you like to work out. And put a hold on the cute and seemingly flirty comments-they bore me. Otherwise, I'm interested in many things this crazy life has to offer.
Latest Status
chakow I don't know how the hell to work this thing-how do you salute(?) people? And sorry if I send or poke or bling(?) you....just trying to browse the people on this damn thing. Lol
doogle1 Yeah I know what you mean? Can't find away to see people local either.Anyways hello! Could you reply if your figure it out?