Tara i hope you learned your lesson i've known you for 5 years you were always so good but ever since 2 years ago when you started taking drugs you have changed and it's those damn drug addict friends of yours you need to get rid of them and find new ones cause you will have an overdoes and die so you need help big time what happend to the Tara i know that Tara is gone you are a hole different Tara and i do think you owe everyone of my friends including my boyfriend appoligie then once you do that then well i don't know but just say sorry and get off the drugs
You may want to be left alone but I do not answer to John he answers to me. He and Amy may leave you alone but I will not and neither will my staff. You will have to deal with the intrusions until Kristy is safe here in the USA. If you don't like it get over it cause you started a war when you messed with Kristy and we here at the CIA win wars.
oh and by the way, although it's against policy we do have a few perverts who like to watch their marks while they do personal stuff like shower and get dressed or have sex
hey tara, you have no clue who your dealing with. ever since you brutally beat my friend"taps" which is a military term meaning your phone calls, e-mails and mail is monitored and you are followed until such time as we see fit. we here at the CIA take our job serously so we're definatlyin your business. we're pretty much in your face.