I don't blame you. Too much family to move to Hawaii, at least for now. But I still hold onto the dream. I'll get there again someday, somehow... There are many places on my list I'd like to see, and my hubby and I have discussed Australia. Tell me, you ever seen a kangaroo running wild? Wondering if that's just a crazy stereotype. :)
Wow. Well, here in Texas, we get 110 or more in the summer. My grandmother was laughing at her mom. She was complaining about it being in the 80s in Hawaii and how hot it was, while my grandmother was dripping in 110 degree weather. LOL I haven't been to a Texas beach since I was a kid, but I've never seen a beach like what you described.
LOL Yeah, I'd love to move to Hawaii. It stays in the 80s practically all year, and it's gorgeous there. But I've always wanted to visit Australia, as well as various other places. :)
Man, that sux. Hope you get that fixed. I forgot, you're opposite of the world from U.S., aren't you? So our summer is your winter, right? Cuz' it's hot as hell around here now. What time is it there?
LOL Yeah, it does that. In fact, on my hubby's PC, he'll be typing something, and it suddenly stops typing and/or changes to a different screen, just out of the blue. Cherrytap does screw with everything else. It's a very jealous site. LOL