Though it is human to evaluate people we encounter based on first impressions, the conclusions we come to are seldom unaffected by our own fears and our own preconceptions. Additionally, our judgments are frequently incomplete. For example, wealth can seem like proof that an individual is spoiled, and poverty can be seen as a signifier of laziness—neither of which may be true. At the heart of the tendency to categorize and criticize, we often find insecurity. Overcoming our need to set ourselves apart from what we fear is a matter of understanding the root of judgment and then reaffirming our commitment to tolerance. "You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was."-Abraham Lincoln
Hey..I came by your site and I was wondering if you could help me with something? I'm trying to get into modeling and I entered a contest online and if I win then they will market me for free..and the favor I need is for you to vote for me..I'm already doing pretty well..I'm in the top 10 of almost 500 but it's only from people voting for me so I appreciate every vote I get..and I was wondering if you could vote for me as well as tell a couple of people about it for me..I would be sooo grateful!! To vote for me go here:
If you're interested in joining yourself there's a link here which would also help me out a lot more..instead of just a vote from you it will instantly give me 5 votes when you register (which takes 2 minutes) To join yourself go here:
You can vote once every 24 please do vote every time you remember me :) And if you decide to register make sure the ID# is 1846..THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
Welcome Welcome.Of course im only doing this for it takes some of the luster away...But none-the-less....Enjoy it./smirk-=-Sins like skeletons are so very hard to hide.-=-