36 Year Old
From Southport, NC·
Invited by: Twisted Angel·
Joined on June 15, 2007
Born on April 20th
JuggalosTo anyone not in the know, the term "Juggalo" is given to someone who is a fan of ICP. but the reality is that the term has a deeper meaning to those who consider themselves one. Scrubs: The kid in class that never had a snowball's chance with the prom queen. The fat kid who never was good at sports and got picked on by the jocks. "..I speak for the crazy, I speak for scrubs I speak for the thugs pissin' in your hot tubs I speak for the people that you always say don't know how to act We like'em just like that..""Take Me Away" from Bizaar Family: Being a Juggalo is being part of something bigger. When you are labeled a Juggalo, that means there are legions of people who are down Rebels: "Is someone who the world is against all of your life, the world is always trying to show you how much better it is then you. Everyday of your life something in the world keeps trying to push you down to the bottom of life and make you think that you are the trash it keeps telling you, you are." *** Juggalo VS Fan**Many people often believe that Juggalos & Juggalettes are just another name for fans of Insane Clown Posse. Being a Juggalo is much more than liking the music; it is a way of life. A fan is someone who only likes the music either because it's the fad right now, or because they want to conform. Fans don't see the true message of the music, just the outer layer. Fans are quick to forget you as soon as the next big sensation comes along. They also will hound ICP for autographs and see them only as big famous stars.A Juggalo is one who lives their life by the hatchet. In other words, they believe in the true meaning behind ICP's songs try to live by J and Shaggy's preachings. Juggalos are down with the clown for life, and will never turn their back on ICP because they are said to be "uncool." A Juggalo will always have another's back, and speak their piece no matter how harsh. If a Juggalo ever came face to face with ICP, they'd see them as another Juggalo not something rare and famous. They wouldn't instantly whip out the autograph collection, but treat them as one of their own. A Juggalo knows the Dark Carnival is about God. When it was revealed in the Shangri-La album, some Juggalos turned their back on ICP. Of course now that means, only the true Juggalos remain. They are dedicated to Psychopathic forever.** Juggalo Culture/Juggaloism****Juggalo culture is as misunderstood as it is lacking in academia. “Juggaloism” is a movement that has been thriving all over the world for the past 10 years as both a music subculture and as a spiritual philosophy, known as the Dark Carnival. Juggalos are basically outcasts from all walks of life who were brought together and united by the group Insane Clown Posse, and created a world amongst themselves free of hate, prejudice, racism, sexism, and celebrated the differences that drive many in mainstream America apart from each other. Culturally diverse people who embrace this movement see others for who they are instead of what clothes they wear, their social class, etc., and love each other as much as or even more so than normal people love their immediate families. Juggalos are people who have shared similar experiences of being picked last for a sports team in high school, who have had abusive parents, who have not been blessed with the necessary support to grow and prosper inlife, who have not had others to turn to, and who have been shunned by the macrocosm of society for simply being who they are. With the expansion of this culture over the past 10 years, you can find Juggalos everywhere. For every religion and music culture: punk, hip-hop, rave, etc., you can find Juggalos, who share an amalgamated belief system that is not written in stone, but embedded in the heart and conscience of every true believer of this movement. On a cosmic place, the Dark Carnival is a spiritual philosophy quite similar to Eastern theologies that involves living one’s life in a way that treats every person equal, regardless of the color of their skin, their gender, their religion, their sexual preference, and every other “distinction” that often separates humanity. Experiencing the world through the vantage point of a cultural relativist is a major concept in the values that all Juggalos share towards themselves and towards the rest of society, even the society thathas systematically oppressed them in various ways for refusing to conform to the mainstream.****
36 Year Old
From Southport, NC·
Invited by: Twisted Angel·
Joined on June 15, 2007
Born on April 20th
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hey wus up. recently moved to bolivia and i'm checkin out some ppl livin near me. it's nice to know that there's at least one juggalo livin near me. thought i'd never know another local juggalo for a while lol. well... hit me up if u like. peace. mmfwcl
This is a commercial made for a contest that my Juggalo homie, Anarchos helped make (he was cameraman, stuntdriver, and assistant director).Please vote for this video on YouTube and leave comments. It would be greatly appreciated! My homie works at American Greetings in Cleveland, Ohio. If his friends from work and he win, they win 57,000 dollars. He really deserves it. He would do anything for anyone, especially his Juggalo Family.Here is the link to the video!Nymphalette~Ninjette Homie~~Juggalo Family~ @ CherryTAP
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