36 Year Old
From Inglewood, CA·
Joined on June 13, 2007
Born on November 9th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
36 Year Old
From Inglewood, CA·
Joined on June 13, 2007
Born on November 9th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
ok look im 18 years old and i just graduated from highschool. i reside in Inglewood California and gotta stay reppin my southside of chicago, 773.yup yup. gotta luv them hundreds.
aside from that... im a LEZBO and truthfully im not looking for a relationship but thats not to say that i wont turn down a fyne ass girl.lol. ummm....i guess we should progress to my personality now rite? rite...ummm...
Im not a bitch, im just truthful and i refuse to conform to the beliefs and benedictions of other's just because thats whats commonly done. Assimilation = conformity, conformity = loss of individuality, without individuality what is the world? why not just all have the same everything. I refuse that. but as you can see, i have plenty of people calling me a bitch because of my attitude towards life. but hey, thats that.
um um um....what else to say....
Height: 5'7 Weight:135 Eyes:brown Hair: Brown Ethnicity:Black Heritage: Cuban, White
36 Year Old
From Inglewood, CA·
Joined on June 13, 2007
Born on November 9th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
uh...life i guess. not too too much to say. I like food, love IT! lolz. ummm...yuh. College girl now, just out of highschool. doing my damn thing n all. YAY!
I was raised in INGLEWOOD till I had a shoot out with the Inglewood police at age 19.I got shot pretty bad and did 5 years in Folsum Maxium prison.I'm now in the adult film industry and known as SCUM OF TEMPE....ING high class of 1990......