Joined on June 13, 2007
Born on July 19th
What's up yall?? I am a southern girl born and raised. I'm about to start college... working for a lawyer Degree. I am planning on majoring in Acct. and minor in Pol. Sci., then after I graduate get a job as a Accounant and then start law school. besides all that... I love cars!! Like to race, learn about them, all that stuff!! Ummm anything else u wanna know jus tell me!
Joined on June 13, 2007
Born on July 19th
Video Games
Uhhh... I love any Need for Speed games!! I have just been introduced to a comp game called Diablo... if you wanna play my acct name is WHITNEY. I love any racing/ action game. Then I like the classics like Mario and Zelda...