Welcome to FUBAR!! MARHA!! Thank You 4 Joining..Looking forward to helping you learn your way around !! Please load a salute asap peeps will be more inclined to help once they know you are real! more pics for others to rate as well will help you to level!! woot! shout box me if you need help with anything! I am Here 2 Help you!
be more inclined to help once they know you are real! more pics for others to rate as well will help you to level!! woot! shout box me if you need help with anything! I am Here 2 Help you!
MARHA!!!! Thank You 4 Joining!! Yipppy!! Fubar is lotsa fun if you give yourself time to get use to how things work around here 4 leveling..Please load a salute asap so peeps know you are real they will