Hi [FRIEND], You're invited to join Author Aleja Bennett network of friends. By joining Apsense, a newly launched business social network, you can connect with business individuals with common interests, meet new friends or business associates, start your business blog, and even build your own private social network!Please take a few minutes to visit our website, learn more about us and register for a FREE Membership!The website address is: http://www.apsense.com/invite/alejapoethttp://www.agloco.com/r/bbdz9010http://www.clixsense.com/?2138230http://directmatches.com/alejapoetAleja bennettBELOW YOU WILL SEE FIVE BOOKS AND MY CHILDREN. I HAVE REGAINED CUSTODY OF THEM AFTER THE ABUSE OF ALCOHOL AND THE RELEASE OF ABUSE-TORTURES AND NEGLECT FROM THE HANDS OF MY ADOPTED PARENTS. I HAVE SURVIVED AND YOU CAN TOO. ALSO THERE ARE TWO CHILDRENS BOOKS-THE MOON IS WATCHING OVER ME AND HOW WONDERFULLY MADE WE ARE. AVAILABLE ON ALL ONLINE BOOKSTORES http://lulu.com/content/733838 http://lulu.com/content/73942 http://lulu.com/content/747870 http://lulu.com/content/747776 AUTHOR ALEJA BENNETT MY SON MY MIDDLE DAUGHTER