Shal,When you go on peoples pages hit 10 on there cherries to rate them. As you get rated you get points and go up levels you get to put on more pics etc.If you rate people and get friends you get points. You can use the Instant message thing to chat if you want to.Let me know if you get stuck. Come rate my pageand pics and i will give you hints as you need.Have fun.Mike xx
came across your page and thought id drop in and say hi! rated and fanned ya! if you could do the same that would be WONDERFUL!If you already have Thanks so much! Get More at
Hey Shal,Glad you followed my link. Welcome to the mental world of Cherry tap. I have added you to my family so i can see when you are on. Hope the kiting is going well.Chat soon Mike xxP.S. The girl who left the comment below is mental. Jewel if your reading this 1-0