38 Year Old
From Orlando, FL·
Invited by: Johnnydevil·
Joined on June 5, 2007
Born on October 25th
I have a crush on someone!
I'm an Esay person to know. My name is Really Dolly, my parents aren't creative. My last name is not Deed though. You'll never know that one. I'm 20 years old and if you can't tell, I don't give a shit about censorship. If I have it. I'll flaunt it. Hm...
38 Year Old
From Orlando, FL·
Invited by: Johnnydevil·
Joined on June 5, 2007
Born on October 25th
I have a crush on someone!
Video Games
Final Fantasy, Tekken, Gameboy SP, Nitendo DS Light, Xbox, pretty much everythign you can think of I've played or seen.
My music is simple. I'm currently in love with KWAN a great band.
Just to let everyone know, this person is a fake and has stolen my images.I'm the real Dead Dolly and my name is actually sarah >.>This is the real image to her"salute"http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j319/Xdead_dollyX/Image68.jpg