54 Year Old
From Cape Canaveral, FL·
Invited by: Jayde·
Joined on June 5, 2007
Born on June 16th
I am 37 .single ,and i own and operate a surf board factory . I shape custom boards and my prices are very competitive . This year i have launched a new clothing line ,offering a several stylyes of clothing for the beach .from board shorts to to beach bags i can help you get what you need .Also i am looking for online reps to help promote my company herer in florida and eventually the east coast . I have taken all the hasle out of being in sales and put the stress on us at the office . we offer cr card transactions ,take cash and checks if need be .As a rep you will recieve anything in our catalogue at 10%above cost. To start , all reps earn 10%commision on all sales and 15% after the first 90 days . This is ideal for someione that isnt afraid to approach the public and has computer skills . No knowledge of surfboards is required ,,this is just a position selling our clothing line . However the reps interested in surfing may purchase one of our boards if they like . If you think you have what it takes to be one of our reps give me a call at 321-986-7610 . I will be more than happy to answerany questions you may have .
54 Year Old
From Cape Canaveral, FL·
Invited by: Jayde·
Joined on June 5, 2007
Born on June 16th
i love surfing ,,and building boards !
A few months ago i met a woman on line and she turned me onto this page ...but things went wrong and she put some not so nice things about me on here in hopes of ruining me ..she rated all the people as 1 and painted me me out to be into males ,,,,
Ladies , i am 100% into females ...the person that did this took offense because i would not meet up with her ..she set my cherry tap account up and i let her use my password ,( Big Mistake on my part )
this woman is under investigation by several sources ...for those that where offeneded by her rudeness i sincerely oppologize . my pass word has been changed and she should not be a problem anymore conscerning my profile .