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55 Year Old · Male · From Garland, TX · Joined on June 18, 2013 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on September 18th
55 Year Old · Male · From Garland, TX · Joined on June 18, 2013 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on September 18th

In 1991 Chef Dale Johnson, established Romance For Two, a dream come true. We are a Five Star Gourmet Personal Chef & Catering Service located in the Dallas Ft Worth area that provides a romantic occasion for you or your loved ones. Throughout our 18 years of serving you, we have been featured in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Arlington Morning News, on Fox 4, and several talk and radio shows through out the Dallas/Fort Worth area. If you would like to have one of our professional chef's contact you for a free wedding or catering consultation. Email us: romancefortwo@hotmail.com or Call us 214-212-3188


55 Year Old · Male · From Garland, TX · Joined on June 18, 2013 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on September 18th
What Chef Dale can do for you

Chef Dale will work with you to develop a a personalized solution to incorporate simple diet and lifestyle adjustments to help you transform your health, release unwanted weight, increase your energy and look and feel your best. With all of this you gain the confidence that comes from knowing how to continue to plan and cook your meals.

What will you get in your one on one, program?

You will learn how to:

Set and accomplish goals in a way that is empowering and exciting
Work to achieve and maintain your ideal weight
Understand and reduce your cravings and kick the sugar habit
Learn how to adopt a healthy foods lifestyle
Dramatically increase your energy levels
Understand how to eat for energy, healing, food intolerances and allergies
Feel great in your body
Learn easy and fun cooking and shopping techniques to improve eating habits
Discover the confidence to create the life you desire
Your Health Coaching program includes:
Two one hour sessions per month either in person, or telephone. Special events like healthy food/cooking demonstrations and group workshops.Mini Kitchen Ambush for 6 month clients. In person, via Skype or photo submission for distance clients)
Personal cooking demo/lessons or a Healthy Cooking DVD & Cookbook for distance clients
Unlimited E-mail support and motivation between sessions with a 48 hour turn around
Coaching and support to help you make the dietary and lifestyle changes you want
Simple but informative handouts that will increase your nutrition knowledge
Healthy food, beverage and/or supplement samples
Fitness recommendations and support
Access to valuable Client Only Tools and Resources
My personal commitment to your health and success
*Free classes/workshops are those which are hosted by me unless otherwise indicated.

Health Coaching Services I Offer:

Single Session "Intensive": I offer single session "Intensives" which are useful for those already well on their way that just need some fast track guidance, tips, strategy work and hand outs. Session typically lasts 2 hours.

2 Month Health Coaching Program: Ideal for someone with minimal health issues looking to conquer cravings, get off sugar, increase energy and gain valuable tools for learning to adopt a plant strong diet. Consists of four bi-weekly, one hour sessions.

4 Month Health Coaching Program: Ideal for someone with moderate health issues such as auto-immune disease, food allergies, candida and/or a moderate amount of weight to lose. Consists of eight bi-weekly, one hour sessions.

Contact me to learn more and schedule your complimentary health consultation today!

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