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37 Year Old · Female · Joined on May 29, 2007 · Born on May 26th · 1 person has a crush on me!
37 Year Old · Female · Joined on May 29, 2007 · Born on May 26th · 1 person has a crush on me!

"Life is so fucking good I can taste it in my spit."Dear book, this is another day in my life. A life is like a book. A book is like a box. A box has six sides. Inside and outside, so, how do you get to what's inside? How do you get what's inside, out? Once upon a time, there lived a very pretty girl, who lived in a beautiful box, and everybody loved her.........and i guarantee by spring we'll either be world famous or goddamned dead.its the diamonds and the pills.its the glamour that kills. shell fuck you just for the taste. i smile a lot but i probably dont like you.im a hostile bitch.when it comes to my desires i dont restrain shit. i dont have morals i only have standards.i hate drama but love violence.i never regret anything and i always accept my consequences. i live life by passion//not by law. i dont care about the future and i dont dwell on the past.its not the length of life but the depth of it.I am Jack's smirking revenge. half cinderella. half brass knuckles.half kate moss. half tupac.So i cash my cheques, and place my bets and hope i´ll always win.. even if i dont im fucked, because i live a life of sin. But its alright,i dont give a damn. I dont play your rules, i make my own. Tonight i do what i want, because i can..Pink ~ Cuz i canUnless you are:-A Rockstar-A Pornstar-On every single Guestlist in NYC-Really, Really fucking hot-A Photographer-A Hot Bitch-covered in Tattoos......im NOT interested in dating you, k thx!Loves drinking&smoking fucking partying rocking laughing screaming rolling hustling swearing tatooing kissing I adore Jenna Jameson <33 alcohol.sex.glamour.rock n roll.Act like the world is yours.....Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars And live in hilltop houses drivin' fifteen cars The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap..we lost the skinny cuz we just want eatNickelback - RockstarJane Fonda=emaciatedbelligarantimpulsivespontaneousrecklessborderlineshallownarcissticimpracticalextravagantunorganizedmanipulativeagressivmanicGroupieWhoreDivaRockstarDesperate BelieverPornstarGirlyGirlAddictPirateGeniusMulti-TalentedRetroYour Boyfriends Real GirlfriendBrutaly Honest. Deal with it. for the first time in america there is a generation of visionary white mother country dopefiend rockandroll freaks who are ready to get downi LOVE the 60´s, 70´s, 80´s

37 Year Old · Female · Joined on May 29, 2007 · Born on May 26th · 1 person has a crush on me!

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