59 Year Old
Joined on May 11, 2013
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on June 15th
59 Year Old
Joined on May 11, 2013
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on June 15th
Latest Status
Bulldogg Ah what a week so far , my paws are killing me ! My hips are sore from shaking my ass every time someone I know comes through the F-N door!! This shit,s getting old!! A dogs life, really , who was that a cat !!! Well everyone enjoy your day !! Gotta go
HI!!!!!! Just wanted to drop in to say WELCOME!! Wishing a splendid day to ya!!! You'll find good peeps here, to know a little about me check my profile pg at *fubar.com/pastorredbyrd* Your Friendly Neighborhood RedByrd