37 Year Old
Joined on April 14, 2013
Born on April 29th
I have a crush on someone!
Dear girls,You don't need to strip down to your bra & panties, bend over to show your cleavage, biting your lips to get attention. You think your beauty is based on the amount of likes/comments you get on those pictures, coming from guys who don't even care about you? I know you love the attention, it makes you feel wanted, noticed, loved. But it's not the kind of attention you want for yourself. Guys will see you as 'easy'. Try putting some clothes on, & hey, show us your naked face. See who still notices, cause they are ones who matter. You're beautiful just by showing us who you are all covered up, be true to you
37 Year Old
Joined on April 14, 2013
Born on April 29th
I have a crush on someone!
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moneymark “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” Word of a wise OG