i want ur roof top, i want it i want it in the pics... i have tomorrow off too, i can straighten ur hair all good too. what about tonight rolling into tomorrow? im so down for a slumber party! we could watch movies and i could do ur hair... pillow fight even? tripod on timer can capture all the fun!i live in sherman oaks...
whatever they are, they're delicious and everyone knows i eat like 5 a day, well until brat ass brad told on me. sooo tonight we should hang, i'm going out with the mums for din din, and u work until 11:30, we could so do this, i could wing it, if your willing that is....
bahaha, i dunno, bitch has it in for me though, she almost fired me last week cause i ate a damn linder ball and uuugh, brad? ratted me out... they're all bitches i tell u!
Holly is a dyke whore bag, she wont let me take time off to go to europe, i even changed the dates to suit them(alex said i can take time off only after the 4th if july) but im leaving on june 18th until the 19th of July, and I have to quit and re apply. BAH!
its past my bed time, i gotta get my beauty sleep, or im a cranky bon bon, i get bitter when i get no sleepy. u work...uh, 6? most likely they will give me my hour break 3 hours into my shift... like say 5-6 i HOPE, mebbe, just mebbe, i will call u to see what ur up to...i will have my cash in hand, and i can either stuff it into ur pockets and demand some decent entertainment, or some god damn amazing weed...weed preferably, but im down to see u shake ur skinny butt around borders, now that would be a riot!