52 Year Old
Joined on February 22, 2013
Born on August 1st
I have a crush on someone!
Whats up,im Jesse am from Texas "lone star state" proud to be Texan.Havnt ben here long i ran across fubar goin thru spam folder,cleaning it out.So after chekd out the pages n features,decided to give fubar a try. Glad i did cause fubar seems lot bettr then facebook,'sorry fb was gettin boring."ghost town be precise lol!!!.Havent ben here long alredy i have more freinds on list.Ok about me am single 40. came on here make freinds n other aquitences.HOWEVER!!!!!,In regards to my sexual preferences,I will say this stra8 up "Dont care if it offends others dat are let say preferntaly challenged,as ill delicatley put it"I am str8 as in 100% hetrosexual"I advise new members male/hetro to make ur prefernce very clear ,there are those on here who think jus cus u clik or thy clik ur profile ,&thinks ur same prefrence." Well i jus say it im refering to any n all gay, homosexuals ,confused,or what ever fuck u wann call ur selves.If u are rerading my profile ,i would strongly suggest u keep on movin,cause am str8 and i prefer the feel n touch of sum one of the opposite sex aka a woman,please read before rate freind blin etc.cause if not u will not like the reply u get .Am one whose forward &says wats on my mind .So excluding the preferncly challenged i mentoined above,evry one else welcome to veiw this profle!!Am also lookin meet fellow texas residnts as well those from my area dfw area.Feel free drop line or requst
52 Year Old
Joined on February 22, 2013
Born on August 1st
I have a crush on someone!
motorcyles, football , hunting ,fising, paranormal investigations
DNOGrannyTania Trick or treat smell my feet, come c if I have any cool blings, Sunday s,come on by my page n show some pick ur treat spin my web,Thank u 4 the rotten pumpkin
throbinhard hey thnx for the rateing s on my pics .I,m jesse by the way.I am from the lone star state
aka texas!! So yeah am proud texan,As well as hispanic decent "mexicano & slavic/german decent" dad syde of famliy.Am very fluent in spanish as well sum french ,&slavic /lil german .I am new here this lot bettr than fb got more freinds than i do fb.thnx for freind also .I see ur from califas "suprised knew dat word huh?" spent my teen years n san bernadino.well tk tyl jesse
I hope u have a good day..ty 4 stopping bye..now do the happy dance I'm jk..take CD are mb y friend xo ps yea I've been pretty unlucky later ..yr a doll ty
Woohoo. ...I hope u had a good weekend.tysm 4 yr friendship a nd the luv u show.trust me after my accident I need friends like I ty ty ty hage..hugs ilu bunches xo♥ hey gimme a Turke y dont be greedy lol jk...woohoo