42 Year Old
From Stuart, FL·
Joined on December 14, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on July 11th
If you know me i like to laugh, and alot of stuff makes me laugh, considered not all there by most. dont get out much. I try to keep it in easy street. if i did something i feel is good i appreciate acknowledgement of it. i consider this my past life. If you talk shit i dont care. you cant label a label meaning the only thing that matters is whats important to you, fuck what other people say about you or your opinions, they dont matter,
42 Year Old
From Stuart, FL·
Joined on December 14, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on July 11th
Some of my interests are movies, games, and music.
Latest Status
David Leonard If in lounge know this only shoutbox works for me :(
Rated and Liked ...Want to meet New People who will chat while listening to good Music if that is a yes then click on the link below and you wont regret checking this lounge its alot of fun I will just might bling you pimp you out or make u a salute hope to see you there you wont regret it and people on cam's :)
Thaks for the add - don't forget to actually stop by my page and like and rate me as well - thanks!! Thrill-Me Thursday! Lol or maybe not - just make sure yours is thrilling!!