49 Year Old
From Austin, TX·
Joined on November 10, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 27th
I have a crush on someone!
There is a big difference between someone who is a loner-by-choice and a socially rejected person. Contrary to what most people think, being a loner is neither good nor bad. Loners are individuals who enjoy spending time alone as much, or more so, than they do with friends (yes, loners do have friends). They have a low need for affiliation and peer acceptance and engage the world in different ways than others by focusing on their own ideas and being stimulated by solitude, while constant social interactions tend to drain them. Loners generally have a small circle of close friends and have higher standards for their friendship and trust. They enjoy spending time with their friends but do not depend on and attach to them like others, though they are highly loyal. Loners are generally more intellectual than others, using their time to enjoy and study anything and everything that interests them. Funny enough, both introverts and extroverts can be loners.
49 Year Old
From Austin, TX·
Joined on November 10, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 27th
I have a crush on someone!
Latest Status
Crow Been busy but still around. Mostly only responding to messages just might take a while.