33 Year Old
Joined on October 31, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 25th
I am kelsea. I just turned 21 im a carefree sociable girl and i live life in the fast lane no time for red lights or stop signs and iwont slow down to take pictus. ha
33 Year Old
Joined on October 31, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 25th
the great world of ganja, people places movies music..
i love all music more into the 60' through the 90's than the modern day music cause its not music so much anymore but iu can faux with some of it..
hmmmm...i love movies as long as they are interesting anywhere from independant films to academy award winners... anything wih angelina jolie, megan fox, and mila kunis are my shit caue those ladies are sexy as fuck... and any with johnny depp cause he is just legit...
i dont really idolize people or things do i find some things and people more interesting than others sure but to idolize is just one step below stalker so i tend to not care so much...
Video Games
the only video game i play is zombies on black ops pretty shitty though..