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Stats for Mar 4

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Amazing Love
5,416 Plays
Burning Up The Night (The K...
5,100 Plays
Come On Baby (Duet)
6,615 Plays
Come On Baby (New Version)
4,951 Plays
Crying Shame
4,870 Plays
Lovers Or Just Friends
4,920 Plays
Tears Of Regret
4,870 Plays
This Is Texas
4,901 Plays
4,868 Plays
59 Year Old·Male·From Louisville, KY·fuMarried to: Mrskypeteson...·Joined on October 14, 2012·Relationship status: Married·Born on December 22nd·I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

Hi Fu Friends Smile2.gif My name is Pete Escalante and I live in Louisville Kentucky. I really am a Songwriter and welcome you all to visit my page at www.reverbnation.com/peteescalantesongwriter
Many of you know my Beautiful wife Lisa aka skinnypig69 on here and she is not only the love of my life but my co-writer, arranger and vocalist on most all of my songs. She's an amazing talent and a Beautiful Soul and if you're not friends with her I hope you will be :)
We've been so busy this past year working on new songs, cutting new tunes In Nashville and Georgia and pitching them through our agents in Nashville and it's just very exciting for us right now. That along with planning our wedding (Jan. 18th 2014) has kept us plenty busy but we still try and show some fu love to you all and hope you can do the same by listening to and voting on some of our tunes every once in a while :)
Much love to all and we'll keep you posted and again, hope you keep listening :)
Pete Escalante



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