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53 Year Old · Male · From Charter Township of Clinton, MI · Joined on October 13, 2012 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 20th
53 Year Old · Male · From Charter Township of Clinton, MI · Joined on October 13, 2012 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 20th

Not much to tell really, I get up in the morning and go to work. Come home, eat dinner, drink a couple beers later in the evening and go to bed. Get up the next day and do it again. When the chance comes up I go to concerts and sometimes out to the bar with friends.

I was married for 4 years, awaiting papers now. Lived in Maryland for 4 years, met my soon to be ex wife and moved to PA. After everything fell apart I moved back to Michigan and promptly reunited with a few old friends.

I'm on here for fun and friends. Who knows though, I met my wife on a message board.

I try to check out people I catch on the blast, that's what it's for so why block your page?

Click the facebook link to read Amazing Greyson's story. HE is a 5-6 month old Pitbull puppy that stuck his leg through a fence and the neighbor ripped it off completely. Apollo rescue took him from the shelter to the vet they use and fixed him up. Month and a half later he now has a now home in Tennessee.

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53 Year Old · Male · From Charter Township of Clinton, MI · Joined on October 13, 2012 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 20th
Camping, fishing, hunting

Music, well let's just say I like a lot of some and a little of everything. Your as likely to find me listening to Iron Maiden as you are Kenny Rogers or Run DMC or Phantom of the Opera .

Smokey and the Bandit, XMen, Resident Evil, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Matrix, Alien, Jeff Dunham, Basically sci-fi action and horror to family comedies like The Parent trap and Homeward Bound
Video Games
Old stuff like Sonic the Hedgehog, Need for Speed III, Wizardry on Nintendo,

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