46 Year Old
From England, UK, United Kingdom·
Joined on October 12, 2012
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on August 13th
I love to take photographs wherever I goI love harmonyI love martial artsI can eat same food, day-in-day-out and not get boredI can listen to same song non-stop in loop for days and still enjoy it. This freaks out all my buddies I can't live without access to my linux boxIf you strike the right chord with me, I can ramble on and on for hoursWhen I'm tensed, I like to watch movies or meditateI rate higher on nerdy and geek scale than on social scaleI can't cheat othersI love LinuxI hate to suffocate my feet inside shoes, so you will often see me roaming around bare-footedI prefer to tour a place that is sparsely crowdedIf GOD asked me do you believe Angels? I would say 'Yes, my Mommy'I believe that surviving in this world requires you to be extremely mean and exceedingly cunning, yet I refuse to adopt to that kind of life styleI would rather sit alone on my a$$ with a book than booze and partyI would rather play exhausting sport than sit on my a$$ and read a bookI love the fragrance of wet mudI like to dreamI am a teetotaler, and this bugs a lot of my buddiesIf God gave me power to remove any 3 vices from world, I would remove:Politicians/PoliticsGreed andJealousyIn my view breathing techniques are the most advanced form of exercises. I have been trained in a few of these techniques, and some day I'll learn and master the advanced forms of them.I am amongst the category of 'Early to Sleep And Early to Rise'. And all my buddies hate me for thisI don't like to celebrate my birthdays.I think I'm too afraid of celebrations, that is why you will rarely see me carousing at parties, etc.As to WHY... I don't know yet. One fine morning I was introspecting as why can't I be normal like everyone else and enjoy birthdays, parties, dancing, etc. After much deliberation a voice came from the deep sub-conscious.. 'You are scared of celebrations, Atul!' I gasped in utter disbelief. I sat there for few minutes, only to realize to my horror that it was every bit TRUE! OK, don't psycho-analyze me too much!I love to write on paper with my 0.5mm mechanical pencilI am exceedingly choosy about my writing instruments, there is only one brand of mechanical-pencils I trust "Faber Castle"I love oil pastel crayonsI am too economical in using any resource (except n/w bandwidth, I think)Cutting me off from my email is the best way to torture me I am religious, but not orthodoxUsually, I don't tend to worry about what you think of me, unless you are someone very important in my lifeI have few close friendsI love chocolates, in anything and everything (Note: You can bribe me chocolates into doing almost anything)Steaming hot cup of ginger-cardamom-pepper milk-tea is my favourite beverage.And my Mommy's love transforms it into ambrosia.Cold coffee (decaf and light) with ice-cream comes nextAmongst flowers, I love the fragrance of Jasmine and LavenderMy bedroom will always smell goodI like neat-n-tidy bed with a crease-less sheet on it (just like you see in your hotel rooms)Yet I prefer sleeping on hard-surface, with just a quilt between me and the floor I love my books and take great care of them. In fact I'm too emotional about my books.You can easily win my wrath by mis-handling my booksI detest using pencils as bookmarks, dog-earing pages, or even carelessly marking lines without a rulerYou will always hear soft soothing ambient music playing in my roomI am practitioner of subtletyI am very optimistic about my pessimismMy Belief:If faith in ourselves had been more extensively taught and practiced, I am sure a very large portion of the evils and miseries that we have would have vanishedI'm a student of practice (just as one of my profs is Professor of the Practice)I think good algorithms should be like bikinis... It should save people a lot of guessworkI hate deadlines to the CORE! Because it's not the end result that I'm interested in, it's the journey that's more exciting to me! That's where the learning happensAs a kid, I had a fetish for fancy cigarette boxesFor me, there's no such thing as watching too much movie, nor drinking too much tea and playing too much football or volleyball!To me, there's a HUGE difference between coding & programmingI trust most of the real programmers code in vi (link)To me, there's no such thing as a Stupid Question (only unless, the intention of question is to show your participation)I believe You only see what you want to seeI am big proponent of believing in instincts, I think it's far superior than a conditioned intellect! But it is extremely difficult to live by it.Everyone who doesn't agree with me is my friendI have come to believe that no good deed goes unpunished .
46 Year Old
From England, UK, United Kingdom·
Joined on October 12, 2012
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on August 13th
My interest is to make a good friend in fubar.....