36 Year Old
From Berea, OH·
Invited by: 520749·
Joined on April 16, 2007
Born on February 20th
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
36 Year Old
From Berea, OH·
Invited by: 520749·
Joined on April 16, 2007
Born on February 20th
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Myspace Layoutsjust add me ppl
36 Year Old
From Berea, OH·
Invited by: 520749·
Joined on April 16, 2007
Born on February 20th
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Hi sexy! I just posted some naughty pics! These are very naughty pics so if your not in to that do NOT go there! But if you like naughty pics thenCLICK HERE!
I'm in a givaway for a Happy hour. I need 35,000 comments to get it. Please will you click on the picture below and rate the picture and leave a few comments. Thanks for your help.
As I promised, I left you an 11 on your profile for fanning me!!! Sorry it took a couple days to get to you! But still, thanks so much for hanging in there with me! If you could also check to see if you rated my profile a 10 I'd appreciate it! Enjoy your Friday!<3Sh0rtyP.S.: Remember, the NSFW pictures are open to friends during the Happy Hours Im awake so check 'em out when you can!