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53 Year Old · Female · From Michigan · Joined on September 23, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 16th · 1 person has a crush on me!
53 Year Old · Female · From Michigan · Joined on September 23, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 16th · 1 person has a crush on me!

53 Year Old · Female · From Michigan · Joined on September 23, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 16th · 1 person has a crush on me!
A mature person does not fall in love, they rise in love. The word "fall" is not right. Only immature people fall... They stumble and fall down in love... Somehow they were managing and standing. They cannot manage and they cannot stand... They find a woman and they are gone, they find a man and they are gone. They were always ready to fall on the ground and creep... They done't have the backbone, the spine... They don't have that integrity to stand alone!

We all know those few people that cannot be happy unless they have someone... It doesn't even have to be the right someone... Someone is better than no one or being alone... Ridiculous!!

A mature person has the integrity to be alone. And when a mature person gives love, they give without any strings attached to it... It's unconditional! They simply give... And when a mature person gives love, they feel grateful that you have accepted their love, not vice versa. They do not expect you to be thankful for it... No, not at all, they don't even need your thanks. They thank you for accepting their love. And when two mature persons are in love, one of the greatest paradoxes of life happens, one of the most beautiful phenomena... They are together and yet tremendously alone... They are together so much so that they are almost one. But their oneness does not destroy their individuality, in fact, it enhances it... They become more individual...

Two mature persons in love help each other to become more free... There is no politics involved, no diplomacy, no effort to dominate. How can you dominate the person you love? Just think over it...
Domination is a sort of hatred, anger, enmity. How can you think of dominating a person you love? You would love to see the person totally free, independent...You will give them more individuality. That's why I call it the greatest paradox... They are together so much so that they are almost one, but still in that oneness they are individuals... Their individuality are not effected... They have become more enhanced. The other has enriched them as far as their freedom is concerned.

Immature people falling in love destroy each others freedom, create a bondage, make a prison. Mature persons in love help each other to be free... They help each other to destroy all sorts of bondage's. And when love flows with freedom therr is beauty. When love flows with dependence there is ugliness....

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  • Lilbit Hope all are well! Life is amazing on my end!
    5 years ago · Comment

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