No way dont be sorry! It was funny!!!! I cant sleep! I tried to go to bed earlier, but Tom wasnt tired and we ended up wrestling. He is STRONG! I couldnt move hardly an inch! Anyways that fucker ended up waking me up and here I sit at 1:22 in the morning! UGH! Lets get together when we get home from Indiana!!!
Just so you know, Adrian saw that pic and asked what it was. I told him verbatim what you said and he FREAKED OUT!!! haha I told him 5 times it was a joke! Shame on us!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!
Hey hun thanx for stoppin in! Come back anytime! Just thought i would come by and return the favor! Hope ur having a great day!!!! Much love!!! Hugs and kisses~Andrea
I saw your pic scrolling by at the top of the page and stopped in to say"Welcome!". :) I added myself as your fan and rated your profile and your pic with 11's! I hope you're having a fantastic weekend! :)