33 Year Old
From Pensacola, FL·
Joined on September 11, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 24th
I love to have fun.....I love to go to the beach&& movies. I love swimming && football&&baskryball. I just hate sitting in the house doing nothng. I love to meet new ppl && I dnt like ppl who are boring. Im A school girl.
33 Year Old
From Pensacola, FL·
Joined on September 11, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 24th
Sports,Guns,Cars,and anythng else that grabs my attention!! Girls guys..... Just hope ppl can understand that Im not nor will I be like most chick......JUST TOO DAYUM UNIQUE BUT YOU WILL LOVE MY UNIQUENESS.
I listen to everything except HEAVY METAL.....that music leaves me with a confused look&& a head ach.
Hostage Saw Taken RED Scareface Armagedon Bones Indiana Jones Thor && so much more
My Mommy&&Granny Lisa Raye Queen Latifa
Video Games
Any thing that involves fighting,shootning. Scareface Call of duty Def jam MortalKombat&& more