Joined on April 9, 2007
Born on January 1st
·1 referrals joined!
Joined on April 9, 2007
Born on January 1st
·1 referrals joined!
Video Games
By land, air, and sea. The sea...that's where the Navy comes thundering in. Fearless and brave, living months at a time across the ocean blue quartered on a ship or a submarine in cramped living conditions the navy endures for the security of the coast of the U.S.A. and for those civillians that dont belive it...the Navy is in Iraq too!
Yo the navy has gotta have some fun too! Got to find a way to kill some time on a ship when you have nothing to do. Check these out!
hello...saw one of david's blogs, thought i would stop by to say hello... Get More at COMMENTYOU.comclick the pic...leave a comment if you is a different comment bombing contest.....don't forget to show her some love...
Ok, I know I haven't kept up with the Military Thank You Blogs -- . But I Promise I will get one out before the 4th and try my best to keep them updated weekly, again. Please do me TWO Favors:1) Double check you have RATED the Blogs in their new Location.2) If you are a Military Member (Past or Present) or Family of -- Please check the correct BLOG (by title) and see if you are there & your information is correct. If Not, please send me a MAIL MESSAGE titled MILITARY BLOG -- So I can get you added or the information corrected. Thanks & have a Great Weekend!!David
Because of some problems with my old Page, I had to create a New Page.So Far, I only got the Military Thank You Blogs, transferred over. Here is the New LINK: STOP by and check them out Then please rate them, so we can get them back on the Cherry Tap’s Top Blog LIST. Thanks, David