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Male · Joined on April 9, 2007 · Born on January 1st
Male · Joined on April 9, 2007 · Born on January 1st

well this is kinda akward for me ive allways been the gangsta type of nigga who didnt give a F@#! about nobody and would put his own feelings first i'm opening myself up to god knows who to be laughed at and ridicould but my wife and our son mean more to me then someone laughing at me.my name is corey and my wife"s name is lydia some may know her as Ti Ti.i'm just recently learning about the page she has on here first and foremost i dont mean any disrespect towards any men or women on here because if my wife hid it from me its not your fault i just hope you can respect my wishes and not contact her anymore we've both have lost our ways dealing with this computer bull.we both need to have god in our lives,some may see this a some sappy type fagot stuff i'm saying but after 14yrs ive been with her,i could care less what people think.i was allways concerned about what people thought if i brought my wife around i'm 34 yrs old and my wife deserves all my attention all my love that she has been craving from me for along time.i'm determined to fix my house hold the way its suppose to be we have a beautiful 12yr son that means the world to the both of us.i'm not going to spew out our problems over the internet but i know she loves me and i love her so i hope wether you be a gangsta nigga a cool nigga or just a dude on here respect our marrage and let me fix what needs to be fixed without any outside interference.like i said some will laugh and keep in contact with her some will feel me on what i'm saying and help me out by letting me fix what was wrong i'm quite sure i'll get some fowl messages but lydia means to much than to let some laughter get me down.it takes a big man to admit when he's done something wrong and willing to fix it

Male · Joined on April 9, 2007 · Born on January 1st

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  • gretchenbrownbear
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    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • REAL TRUbrownbear
    Welcome 2 tha tap friend..much love and respectONE

    17 years ago · Reply
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    FU DADDY FM2 BO...brownbear
    Stopped by to say Hello. Rate/Fan/Add Me and I'll return the favor.

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