Joined on August 24, 2012
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on November 30th
Christina, 25 years old, blonde, blue eyes, 5'6, Addicted to Diet Sunkist
Joined on August 24, 2012
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on November 30th
I am pretty boring to be honest. I dont go out much would rather chill at home and watch Netflix. I like to play and watch people play games or going to a house party at a buddies house. I am good for talking so hit me up. I got this site cause I looked over at my man and said "What is another social media site you have used?" This is what he told me. I am a large supporter of To Write Love On Her Arms www.twloha.com check it out.
Three Days Grace & McFLY are my favorite! I like lots of music with a few exceptions.
Transformers is my all time favorite movie! Other then that I like action, super hero, comedy...pretty much anything but romance really.