So you want to know the Badger, Ha! No one sees the Badger!!!!!! Just joking! You probably came to visit me cuz of my picture. You looked into my eyes didn't you? Yeah you gotta watch that, look to long and you get sucked in to the world of badgers, don't believe me, hey you yeah you in the back, please, take my word for it, its scary in here! But for those few who love to laugh , eat, and dance badger style you might like it.... and for thoses few I say..It's Badger Time!
THIS is the face of a chased teddy bear, JBK and the Badger God want to make this problem aware to others, Teddy bear chasing is wrong no matter how good it makes you feel, teddy bears may be soft, cute, and cuddly, but that is no excuse!!!!! Whoever thought it was okay to dress up bananas in pajamas and run them up and down stairs and chase teddy bears is one sick puppy and the Badger god sent his best assassin to rid the world of his cruelty, the moral of this tale?... Chasing teddy bears, DON"T DO IT!!!!!
Video Games
Okay people this is how it is....I HATE JESSICA SIMPSON WITH A PASSION.... i think she is the most fake person to walk the planet...I am convinced she is the devil and will steal your soul!!!! So I am trying to do my part for the world and make fun of her as much as I can :) so I need you guys to draw on her pic for me.... and if i love them i will post them so make it as cruel and unusual as you want.... make jessica proud lol!!!
People will forget what you saidPeople will forget what you didBut people will never forget how you made them feel. Wishing you a spectacular day my friend – always!