Being able to appreciate those around me and life in general...
1. Love.
2. Family.
3. Just being able to wake up to the sun shining in the morning.
4. The ability to overcome hardships and appreciate what I already have instead of wishing I had more.
5. Moments of realization that Im not as alone as I too often think I am.
6. My children being healthy and happy.
7. Every breath I take reminds me Im still here and still have much to enjoy.
8. The ones who never give up on me.
9. Positive and creative people.
The beauty of it. No matter how bad things get, there is always something beautiful to keep us going forward.
I enjoy all types of music...
Although I have realized that, in my life, there are many people who I admire greatly. But an idol would have to be someone special, a person who would sacrifice his or her own enjoyment to provide for the needs of others.